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Chapter 17 (Aaliyah Brielle)

It was a tiring but fun day. I had a productive day dancing with Seventeen who has been so respectful and delightful to work with. But I had never expected to bump into April and Yanika in Café Neda after work. And something did not just happen. I am so embarrassed to agree that I am beautiful. Yeah. I know I am before and confident about it before, but not this way in front of my two friends. I just saw April's jaw drop while Yanika was giving me this smug teasing face.

If he is not here right now, these two probably have grilled me with all the actions that I just did.

"When is your next class, ssaem?" He even dared ask me.

"Are you going to attend the next class tomorrow? I will be teaching that one," I asked the guy in front of me.

Soonyoung looked taken aback, but he still answered. "I will," smiled so shortly.

"Next class?" April's snooping mind. I know this would happen. "You mean in your dance training with Seventeen or another class? Like personal class?" April's tactlessness or rather her bothered-very-curious mind is always working so hard.

I was not really that embarrassed, but their reaction was giving me this weird feeling. Why do I feel like I am being interrogated now?

"I will of course," he answered with hamster looking smile.

I bobbed my head in agreement. "Well, see you in class then," I answered.

Soonyoung had his orders prepared at the counter, I heard he ordered in advance before coming here. Instead of waiting for it to be delivered, he took it personally. That was so considerate of him, not like other people who use their names or popularity to take advantage of situations or things.

"He enrolled in your class?" April's questioning face was so disturbing while Soonyoung was away.

I gave her my natural bitch face. "Yes. Is there a problem with that?" I told her with so much attitude that I thought she would stop asking me about it. April rather was so used to my attitude that she even laughed at me.

At that moment I couldn't stop myself but looking at Yanika, at the same time April did. "Oh, good God. You two girls stop staring at me like that. I am not taking sides," Yanika clearly said. As usual, she and her usual neutral self.

"Here," I stared at the guy who just arrived from taking his orders. And then stared at the plate he just gave me. "You should try these. They are awesome," I was still staring at the chocolate chips in front of me.

I know they are awesome. Ruro has been bringing me the same chocolate chip that I didn't know was from Café Neda which was owned by my former classmates. 

"Thank you!" I received and smiled at him. I didn't shy away from munching the cookies. 

"That's her weakness. Aaliyah Brielle loves anything chocolatey," April just informed Soonyoung. I never think of it as anything big since that was some kind of a general knowledge. It something that comforts me. 

I smiled and appreciated it since they still remember those small details about me. "She often carries around a bag of chocolate on her bag," Yanika who doesn't really talk to much, suddenly just spilled out some tea about me. 

"Yet her teeth still look so sturdy and beautiful," April commented making me conscious while eating the chocolate chips. 

"그만해. (Geumanhae.) Stop. That was so weird," I said with furrowed brows. They all stared at me. And I felt so damn weird, I looked at them one by one slowly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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