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Aaliyah Brielle

Common scenario - meeting Rosie in everything fancy and I will always look like I didn't get the memo. I almost didn't want to go inside when I saw how classy the restaurant was - that everyone inside was in dresses and suits while I arrived inside in track pants and a large t-shirt. 

I was just glad I could get a shower and get changed before heading on to where I was meeting Ru. My only mistake is that I forgot to search what kind of restaurant we are meeting.  

I just confidently walked inside so I would not look like I was someone out of place even when they were already giving me such malicious and judgmental glares. 

Meeting Rosie in her usual rubicund self, she immediately gave me a tight hug. I felt loved with sarcasm since she didn't inform me on what to wear. She made me sit and the food was immediately served after. 

Looking at Ru's curious face while asking me about what happened on the island was also entertaining. She looks cute while impatiently asking me so many things.

"You said it was disastrous. How so?" Ru asked while I calmly ate my steak. "Bree, spill the freaking tea," pouting like her usual self.

"Hmmm. It was," I answered shortly once again it looked like it was driving her nuts.

I wanna laugh, but Ru looks pissed that she might hit me.

"Ugh!" Pursing my lips because she looks pleasing to my eyes right now. Never did I expect Ru to act like this anyway.

I snorted and it made her more mad. She was darting glares at me.

"Brielle, what happened?!" Her unfed inquisitiveness was on the roof now and I should stop teasing her.

"I was dancing under the sun by the shore when he saw me. I was mindlessly dancing," my eyes widened telling her. "When I did a pirouette I was shocked I saw him staring at me. I creeped out," I began.

But Ru had this odd face, and it looked like a pleasurably delighted expression. "That was kinda romantic," Ru remarked.

"Ru, you are giving me chills. Our meeting was catastrophic," I told her, insisting about how there were distasteful events that happened.

"You keep on saying that, but I really couldn't relate until you tell me what really happened. I have all the time in the world, Bree," Ru also answered.

The busy person just implied that she was willing to spend time on listening to my irrelevant story rather than go and manage her business. That was strange. 

"So, you already knew that I was invited to a team-building activity since they needed one more player for the game and I was suddenly put into the picture. And then, I met all thirteen handsome gods. I was teamed with my former classmate, April, and also with him, Soonyoung. Everyone was friendly and I really can't complain," I began.

"And?" Ru was so impatient. 

I snorted again. "Of course, naturally, I will cooperate since I am not yet familiar with the people around me. It was something new to me, too. I was just silently observing them. You knew me," I explained. 

She was nodding while eating her steak. She was nodding more as if telling me that I should continue. "Then there was this rule that one player must not walk so I was carried. He volunteered to carry me although I didn't like it at first because I was sure I was heavy."

"From the start until finished, he carried me on his back without complaint. Until there was this point in the game where we were all sweating. I was just concerned so I unconsciously wiped his forehead to wipe his sweat, and then all of a sudden he dropped me on the floor like nothing. I was just thankful because it was sand because he dropped me somewhere concrete I would have smacked his head and scolded him when he did that," I was telling Rosie everything in frustration. 

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