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Chapter 2

"What do you need?" Aaliyah asked with composure. But she jolted in surprise inwardly when she saw a guy standing on the shore. Mouth agape, eyes were all on her.

Aaliyah looked terrified to see someone in her private space.

Not that I own this island, but I absolutely heard the staff telling me that this island is private and it also protects the privacy of its guests. Cabins are far from each other. How did he come here? For sure, he saw me dance, Aaliyah thought in horror.

"I wouldn't wanna say you're a pervert. But if you continue to stay silent. I assume you are. Are you?" The guy was stuck. He couldn't say a thing. "Then I guess you are. What are you doing in my villa?" Aaliyah looks menacing if you see her for the first time. She can intimidate people by staring at them.

The guy was still speechless as he was embarrassed and shy when she began to talk. Even when she already accused him, he stayed still.

Aaliyah stared at the guy for a little more. Then she realized, the guy was wearing nothing on top. His abs were fully shown in front of her.

Baby boy up on the face and a sexy man underneath, Aaliyah thought. She shook her head just when she recognized what her head just thought.

Aaliyah just finished a beautiful scene by the beach. The reason why she was soaked. She knew she just danced her heart out a while ago. She only imagined the music going through her ears and dancing wholeheartedly.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Aaliyah surged, trying to get something from the topless hot guy who was in shorts and slippers.

Since she could not wait for him to respond she walked passed him holding her slippers. Aaliyah continued to walk towards her villa, not minding the guy.

What a weird guy, she murmured while shaking her head.

She could have at least told me I am pretty, Aaliyah even continued. The lady reached her villa, and she immediately went to the bathroom. Also at that moment, it hit her as she was staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She was wearing a blouse and a bikini.

Aaliyah didn't mind since she was at the beach and also confident with her body when she came out of her villa

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Aaliyah didn't mind since she was at the beach and also confident with her body when she came out of her villa. But she suddenly felt ashamed when she was staring at the mirror.

"When did I even become shy when a boy saw me in a bikini?" She talked to her blushing self in the mirror. Not knowing where the reaction is coming from. She wanted to hit herself at what was happening to her.

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