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Aaliyah Brielle

I have to send Ru to her home because her drivers just dropped off this rich girl at the restaurant. And she was forbidden to drive by Wren, one of our friends since she was always lost and ended up in places where no one could contact her. Now, she has made me her driver and I will ask her to pay me up later. 

Well, if you think of it, this is better than trying to find her out of nowhere without any clue. 

While on our way to her mansion, she keeps on talking. We had a great time bonding. We walked towards the nearby park and then drank coffee while sightseeing. We thought of visiting one of our friends, but she said she was in the operating room delivering babies. 

I also miss that girl. It has been a while since we saw each other. 

"Do you think your guy had some good friends for me?" Ru suddenly asked out of the blue. 

This girl has never been desperate to find someone. She has always been a devil-may-care girl. "What!?" I asked harshly because that was so dramatic.

"Stop acting like you didn't hear me. I know you did," Ru asserted. It made me curious about what she was trying to convey to me. 

Instead of ending her daydream, I had chosen to go on with the flow. "Well, there were thirteen boys in the team. I am not sure if they are all single, but I bet not. They were all handsome and that would be impossible," I told her. "You can dream off if you want to," I still gave her a chance for her fantasy. 

"Say twelve. One is yours now," I frowned at her declaration. 

Ru has always been such a pushover. That's what she does to me every time there is a good opportunity. 

Wait. I don't think I consider that as a good opportunity besides it was not yet in my plans. 

"What did I tell you, Brielle?" Ru crossed her arms together and even faced me while driving. 

"To always grab the opportunity?" I even paused before answering. "No! Let me rephrase that. And I quote,  to always grab a good opportunity."

Even highlighting what I needed to emphasize at that point. "Brielle, this is a good opportunity for you and me. Hello! You will have a chance to get a good guy plus I might also get one," that made me question if I was really with Ru. "Isn't that fun?" she was grinning like crazy and it was so creepy. 

She is not like this. The Ru that I know is a carefree girl who wants to do what she wants. She doesn't like relationships yet. Particularly, since she knows that it can restrict whatever she plans to do. I am already frightened that she is listening to me and Wren to stop going AWOL. 

We know Ru for being absent without prior notice. She goes everywhere and does whatever she wants. She won't be asking permission from you or anyone nor give you a notice about her agendas. That's the basic Ru. She doesn't like asking for consent when it comes to her liberty.

She also won't be asking about relationships. That is why I am so surprised to hear her say things like that. 

"Is that you? I am only gone for a few months and you changed," I commented while I was focused on the road. 

Ru looks proud in my peripheral view. "Well, that is the only permanent thing in the world. Bozhe moi! Are you thinking, I will never change?" Ru violently asked me. 

Ru was still crossing her arms into her chest and intently looking at me. I can't see, but I can feel it. Those darting eyes were piercing my soul now. Gladly, we were at the gates of her house and I needed her to open it. 

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