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Chapter 4

At daybreak, Bree headed to where she would be meeting the staff of the group she would be working with. She woke up very early to get ready for a sudden work on her vacation. Then she decided to walk as she wanted to clear her clouded mind.

This is not so normal for her. Ruro taught her to say no sometimes. But she was caught right-handed when she accidentally met some of the staff of the company that took her expertise. She was peacefully eating yesterday after her stroll at the main villa after exploring the island on a bicycle.

Bree wanted to be respectful as much as she could when they approached her. They asked her a favor to be a part of the team-building which she will be attending today. She was a little flustered at the time because who on earth would expect that the group she would be meeting soon would need her service sooner.

Bree trailed her way to the villa that was given to her. She refused to be fetched by the staff and told them that she would go there alone and she could manage.

"This is not part of the plan, Bree," she told herself. "Let's just enjoy, Aaliyah Brielle."

Bree tries to convince herself of the relevance of camaraderie while walking. Then she began to check on her surroundings to distract herself. "It's beautiful," she murmured.

After a few minutes of a peaceful journey to the villa, she finally reached it. Confidently, she said her greetings to everyone, "Hi!"

As cheerful as she could she did it voluntarily. She then realized that it was an awkward pacing. So many unfamiliar guys were looking at her. Until she heard her name being called loudly, "Aaliyah Brielle!"

Aaliyah Brielle was expecting no one to know her in the place. Before she could greet everyone, she happily greeted two familiar faces that made an impact on her life during her high school time. Aaliyah Brielle met her old schoolmates, Yanika Neda Alvarez and April Angelou Tan. It became a sudden reunion of high school batches.

They immediately hugged each other so tightly that Aaliyah Brielle felt so relieved knowing that someone she knew was her today.

The chances and the time, Bree thought.

"How long it has been?" April Angelou asked. "How have you been, bishh!?" she continued.

Bree chuckled at April's brusque attitude. Bree never expected her to still be the same. "About twelve or thirteen years?" Bree answered after counting from her fingers.

"You are still gorgeous," Yanika Neda who was just silent a while ago praised the blonde girl from head to toe.

"Right, Ms. Sporty," April agreed.

Brielle had a thing for praises. She loved it. She was confident with her face and her body, however, it felt different when someone praised her. Especially now that it is very rare to happen. Also from someone who knew her when they were young. "Of course," Bree flipped her hair to show confidence. "We aged, but surely still beautiful. Don't @ me. You humble girls. Look at you. Still stunning as usual, Ms. Alvarez, or is it Mrs. now?" Yanika was a little stunned by the claim. She went speechless.

Bree chuckled at how flustered Yanika was. She lost contact with them when she went away. But she surely didn't miss all the juicy information from her previous classmates. She was updated with the gossip about her friends especially her high school friends that she missed so much. Bree winked at Yanika. "And Ms. Flight attendant, I also heard a lot of exciting things about you," Bree was only teasing April, but she also became flustered.

Bree's humor was still out of the world and always caught the people around her. They all laughed when they began whispering to each other.

"Uhm," a loud throat clearing was heard and that was their cue to stop. That was the time that the three girls realized that everyone was looking at them with curious expressions.

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