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Chapter 7

When I was worried about Soonyoung getting awkward when the games were finished, he came to me apologizing for what he had done. I felt so guilty about it. He doesn't even have to apologize.

"No. I am sorry. I did wrong. End of discussion," I told him sternly. I don't want him to feel guilty for something that I caused or troubled him. I still smiled after saying it because I wanted to accept my mistake. Rather, he looked disappointed.

I know I talk unlikely for people. I sometimes cause conflicts because of how tactless and ignorant I am in talking. But that is just how I talk. Now, I am not sure if I offended him, or if he is still guilt-ridden. Although, he nevertheless stayed by my side while we were eating which made me feel a little more at ease.

I still couldn't use my feet, but I can use both of my hands, so I am glad.

I am totally sorry for April who looks annoyed right now because...

Guess it...

Yeah. She is still entangled with Seungcheol, our leader, who looks calm and doesn't mind holding hands with April. He is very professional, I guess. We were already eating our lunch after the games. Yeah.

On the other team, Yanika looked comfortable eating on one hand. She still is professional as always. And sometimes, the other guy was feeding her. They seemed close to each other. I don't want to assume things. However, if I do, I will tell them that they are lovers.

Not all close friends act that way unless they are indeed friends with hidden feelings for each other. A man won't dare to care about you that way unless he has feelings for you.

Anyway, as I began to observe people around me while eating, they seemed to be all nice. It felt great. I didn't feel like I was a stranger to them. There were people like Mingyu who kept on conversing with me. Well, I am sure that our team kind of had the silent ones in the team.

Wonwoo looks very reserved. He is quite close to Soonyoung and to Mingyu. Vernon and Myungho were also close to each other and yeah, they were silent type too. I think it was just April and Mingyu who was keeping the team loud. Well, leadernim was a leadernim himself. He rarely talks, but his aura was intimidating as hell. He talks well, too. Soonyoung on the other hand seems really silent.

Wonwoo just said a while ago that he is an introvert and yeah, it shows. He might talk if he gets comfortable with you.

It became our break after eating since we were all done with the morning activities. Unfortunately, it was another type of game where there were staff who would be stealing your treasures. The other team can also do the same thing and we can also still the other team's treasure if we want to win since we were already penalized a while ago.

"Where do you want to stay, guys?" Seungcheol asked the team while we were still in the main villa.

The other team was also conducting a meeting together.

"Do you guys have suggestions?" he asked once again.

April seemed disoriented. She was still not feeling it since they were still holding hands.

So, I raised my hand. "Don't you think it is better to stay close to the other team so that we can track their movements? Just in case they plan to steal our treasures, we could easily track them or see them as they are close," I suggested.

"I think they will be staying at Yanika noona's villa," Vernon said.

"I also think the same," The8 answered.

"April's villa," Mingyu responded.

"I thought so. We will be staying at April's villa since it was the one that was near Yanika's villa," Seungcheol also agreed.

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