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Aaliyah Brielle suggesting that we escape through the connecting door from her bathroom to the pool area was such a dangerous plan. However, if we stay here, there will be a greater possibility that we will be breaking our planned tactics. We may fail to protect the treasures that we have had in the main cabin if they come and rescue us. I can't think properly, she was hurt.

She stopped bleeding a while ago. But I know she was hurt.

Her idea was reckless just like her personality, but maybe it will work. And perhaps we should stay away from each other. I keep on hurting her.

Before proceeding with our plans, I texted Wonwoo asking him if he could clear our lanes and update us. I asked him if he could spy and clear the way because we were currently trapped. Somehow, Aaliyah and I agreed that we didn't want them to rescue us. Because they have something to protect, too, just like us.

"Ready?" she asked.

Once I nodded, Aaliyah Brielle slowly opened the door. It was such a heart-pounding moment since we didn't want them to catch us both and discover that we were hiding gems, too.

We ran. We kept on running.

It was scorching. We were running in the hot weather barefoot as she said it would be easier.

It was funny. Until we realized they were being chased again. I had to grab her hand so we could run together faster. Her sprain was restricting her movements, I knew that. But I didn't have a choice, running is our only option.

Aaliyah Brielle has so much courage.

We reached the villa panting. We were sweating hard. She was holding onto her knees, too.

"Gwaechana?" Myungho asked immediately when we reached the living area.

"Oh. Gwaenchana," I replied. 

Wonwoo and Mingyu were protecting the main entrance of April's villa.

"Mwoya, ssaem? What happened?" Vernon caught all of our attention. He looked scared and it scared us. He was staring at Bree.

When I thought it was a simple scratch a while ago, I was wrong. She was bleeding again. I trembled in fear. I instantly checked on her elbow, again.

"Wae? What's wrong? What is happening?" She was also baffled. She looks clueless.

"Hyung, bandages. Eodisseo?" I asked in a panic. I felt like my blood was drained on me.

Everyone was rattled. The blood was draping on her arms. The bandage that we put on a while ago was gone.

"Oh," Bree looked unbothered as if it was nothing. "It was a small scratch from the sink a while ago," she added. I was surprised that she didn't mention that I caused it.

"Call the medic, Lou," Seungcheol Hyung also dreaded. April was already on the phone calling someone.

Wonwoo pulled her to the kitchen sink. "Let's clean it and wait for the medic to arrive," he told her.

I felt guilty. "I am fine, guys. It is a small scratch. Don't worry," I know she was trying her best to calm us at that point.

We were baffled. Disoriented. We didn't know what to do first. Bree was bleeding. April was panicking. Most of us were shocked and we were also protecting the treasure. Some staff were trying to steal from us. 

I was so worried about Bree, but I was pinned there. Wonwoo and Mingyu were already taking good care of her. 

"Soonyoung, Myungho, Vernon, watch for the treasure and wait for the medic to arrive," Seungcheol hyung answered. They were still tied together. Our hyung was trying to calm April down. 

A few minutes later, a medic team arrived. They immediately checked on her wound. Luckily, it didn't need stitches. But the wound was a little deep. They cleaned it, put on an antiseptic, and gauze it back. 

Mingyu also asked them to check on her sprain and her back as we were told she complained about it in the infirmary a while ago. 

"We'll give you an ointment for the wound. Clean it up again tomorrow. Don't move for a little while since your wound is a little deep and it will cause you to bleed again. You also need to take antibiotics as prescribed. I will come back again to check on you," they have an in-house doctor which was nice. She was accompanied by two nurses, too," the nurse prepared the things instructed and gave it to Bree before they left. 

When they told her that she couldn't move, everyone was serious about it. "You can't move, Brielle. Please or you want to bleed out again," of course, April will be worried for her friend. "What in the world just happened in the villa that you hurt yourself?" April was scolding Brielle who was about to walk again. 

"The floor was slippery. I panicked when I heard that someone was inside my villa trying to get some diamonds. When I came out, I slipped and my elbow hit the edge of the sink so this happened," Brielle confidently told April the story about what happened in the villa. 

April pouted. She looked sad while looking at her friend. "First, your sprain. Now, your elbow and it's on the same hand, Bree. You look pitiful," April made a duck face. 

"Yah! I won't die with this. This is not even close to my gut," Bree said. She was trying to assure us that she was okay. 

April was not even convinced about Bree's statement. "You did not just say that!" April sulked. As superstitious as April is, she immediately knocked on the nearest wood furniture even shocking Seungcheol hyung who was beside her.

"Fine. I won't move. But at least give me something to do," Bree pleaded. 

April and Seungcheol hyung stared at each other and then, hyung spoke. "Bree, listen to April. But you can protect your own treasure," hyung told her. 

Bree still wasn't satisfied with the task she was given. "My treasure was fine. I am pretty sure of it," she confidently answered. 

"Why did you bury it somewhere that no one will know?" April asked her. 

Then she smirked at April. "Yeah. It's buried in my..." 

"Yah!" April cut her off when she was about to pull it out. "Stop, Bree! You and your overt self. My gosh, Bree! There are boys here so stop it!" I didn't know what was happening already since I also turned my back when she attempted to show the gem. 

We just heard Bree groaned. "What's wrong with that? I am keeping it somewhere they can't imagine. I am sure it is safe here and besides it is just me being brainy," Bree laughed it off. She was proud of her strategy. 

April also scoffed at her friend. I just heard Bree laughing at April after. 

"By the way, since you are proud of your scheme, and you are bored with protecting your treasure. You watch the pool area with Soonyoung," April instructed her. 

"Okay. Thanks," Bree said. It didn't sink into me that I would be with her again until she tapped my shoulder and said, "Let's go."

"H-huh?" I muttered. 

Her stares made me disoriented. I didn't answer instead followed her. I got drowned in her ocean eyes. 

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