"You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I can see ya, do ya?
I've been watchin' you for ages
And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it"
where dahlia russell slowly realises feelings for a boy whose had feelings for her forever
(lando n...
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(please vote and comment or else... honestly lanlia are in a pretty bad place rn so i don't know what to threaten you with)
(also please ignore any typos i'm so drained while editing this)
dahlia coughed as she stood back up, flushing the toilet and wiping her face with a cloth. she steadied herself, gripping the sink with her two hands, taking deep breaths in and staring at herself in the mirror. mascara ran under her eyes, creating dark circles, making her look as tired and horrible as she felt.
once her breathing had regained its normal rhythm, she bent down picking up her phone. the message from george was still open, so decided he would be her first call.
"dahlia." her brother spoke once he answered. she could hear the disappointment in his voice, his tired sigh.
"oh george." she whimpered as the tears began again. "everything's ruined, isn't it? i fucked it all."
"say it!" dahlia yelled. a sarcastic, panicked, laugh escaped her mouth. "just say it! say you were right and you tried to warn me!"
"dahlia stop!" george cut off her rambling. "now, i promised myself i wouldn't jump to conclusions and say a load of nonsense this time round until i know the true story. so...what happened?"
"nothing george. it's all fake and manipulated! we bumped into each other in london, got some coffee and that's it! i swear! i never would've cheated on lando or even purposely see jude!"
"i believe you dee." george said honestly. "alright? it's gonna be okay. so i'm guessing the pictures are old?"
"well not exactly." dahlia said slowly.
"dahlia!" george groaned through gritted teeth.
"we just hugged! he hugged me before i got into the car! i swear george, it's just the angles. you know how the paparazzi does it all the time!"
"yes yes, alright. i know, and i believe you." george said. dahlia sighed a small sigh of relief, knowing she had her brother on her side this time. "i'm gonna try talk to pr and see if they can help this in anyway."
dahlia groaned in misery. "they probably hate me by now."