28 nobody gets me like you do

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nobody gets me - sza

"How am I supposed to tell ya?
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me
Nobody gets me like you"

dahlia finally got her suitcase to zip shut, having to sit on it to get it to close right. a knock came from her hotel door. she sighed, walking over to open it.

"hey." lando smiled at the girl as soon as she opened the door. dahlia had to stop herself from smiling back immediately, having a feeling that this conversation would go in a swift 'it was fun but just a one night thing' direction. "can we talk?"

"yeah, of course." dahlia opened the door further, letting the boy walk into the room, a feeling of dread filling her stomach.

"how are you?" lando asked, trying to begin a conversation. he sat on the edge of the girls bed as she leaned against the wall.

"listen lando, my taxis waiting to take me to my flat so whatever you're going to say, can you just say it?" dahlia sighed, planting the seed in case she needed to make a quick getaway. it came out a lot harsher than she had meant it to, but she needed to protect her self and put her walls up, even if it was lando.

"oh, right." lando said, sounding defeated as he looked to the ground. dahlia cursed herself for being so rough immediately, assuming the worst and shutting down like she always had. "i just wanted to see where your head was at?"

dahlia panicked, needing to know what lando was thinking before she decided to speak using her heart or her head.

"where's your head at?" dahlia asked back, looking at the curly haired boy.

lando smiled, looking up to the girl. "i think it's pretty clear where my heads at."

"no, it's not." dahlia said seriously, folding her arms. lando looked at the girl in confusion with furrowed brows. "lando, you cannot say you have been clear with me! this morning, you were all touchy and flirty and then in alex's room you didn't even look at me once other than trying to make sure they didn't find out. you never once texted me afterwards either, so i had no idea if i was gonna even see you again before i left."

lando waited a moment, letting the girl breathe before he replied, "you're right, i'm sorry. but lia, i didn't look at you- which was hard by the way- cause i didn't wanna raise suspicions that were already there."

dahlia smiled, blushing slightly. "okay so what? are you saying that you wanna just hang out in secret or something?"

"i'm saying..." lando stood up, walking over to the girl and taking her hands. "that i really like you and i don't wanna throw this away."

dahlia looked down, afraid her face was becoming as red as the top she was wearing. "well...we have a week here before we have to be travelling again."

"can i take you out to dinner some night?" lando asked. "i feel like we skipped a few steps last night."

dahlia laughed before nodding, "yes, of course you can."

"great." lando beamed, pushing the girls hair over her shoulder.

"okay, i really have to go." dahlia said, breaking the silence. "my car is actually here."

she picked up her suitcase off the bed and put it on the floor. lando ran over to the door opening it for her. "wow, you can be a gentleman when you want to." dahlia joked, making the boy roll his eyes. "i look forward to our dinner then."

"oh god, keep your expectations low please." lando cringed, realising what he got himself into.

"oh sweetie," dahlia said in a mocking sympathetic tone, placing a hand in his shoulder. "they already are."

I Can See You // Lando Norris *¹Where stories live. Discover now