flicker - niall horan
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a lot more motivation to carry on)✰ ✰ ✰
f1 grid + honorary members
anyone heard from dee in a bit?George (admin)
no it says she landed a while ago
so she be home but she's not
answering meSIMP #1 MS
same with me and blairSIMP #2 LN
fuck guys
how did i let this happenwebbers fav 🐨
that's rhetorical right?SIMP #2 LN
fuck fuck fuckhoney badger 🦡
bros definitely pacing in his
plane right nowDU DU DU DU
he isSIMP #2 LN
of course i am!!George (admin)
lando calm down
this was bound to happen at some point
and i'm sure dahlia knew thatSIMP #2 LN
george have you not seen the comments
on her most recent instagram??George (admin)
shit how bad?Lord perceval
think last time but so much worse____________________________________________
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I Can See You // Lando Norris *¹
Fanfiction"You brush past me in the hallway And you don't think I can see ya, do ya? I've been watchin' you for ages And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it" where dahlia russell slowly realises feelings for a boy whose had feelings for her forever (lando n...