"You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I can see ya, do ya?
I've been watchin' you for ages
And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it"
where dahlia russell slowly realises feelings for a boy whose had feelings for her forever
(lando n...
-CHAPTER FIFTY SIX- all you had to do was stay - taylor swift
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(if you don't vote and comment i'm leaving it this long without an update again Xx)
"so, are you going to talk about it or should i just start talking now?" george said on the phone to his sister. the older brother had called the girl from the track as she lay on her bed, wide awake but still silent. she had said hello, but for more than twenty seconds the line was quiet.
she didn't answer. george sighed, taking a deep breath in before talking, "dahlia, i'm so sorry. he's an idiot for what he did to you, and trust me, i'm very close to going down to that garage and giving him a box, and i might afterwards, who knows. but right now, i just really want you here."
"i can't george." dahlia said weakly.
"i'm starting fourth." george said hopefully. "i could get this podium for the team and we all want you there dahlia. alex is sixth! how often does that happen?" he joked, hoping for some reaction from his younger sibling, which never came.
dahlia rolled over so she lay on her back, staring to the ceiling. "dee, please. don't let him win."
dahlia thought of george, who, instead of doing his vital prep, was sitting on the phone to his sister, trying to get her to attend the race. "i really want you there." he said.
dahlia sighed, pursing her lips before slowly nodding. "okay." she said simply.
it took all her strength for that alone. but she know she couldn't let her brother down. it was clear this meant a lot to him, and dahlia didn't want to miss that, despite how much her heart was breaking. and if anything happened to anyone, she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.
george sighed with relief, "i wish i could hug you."
dahlia felt her eyes water at that alone. she was so grateful for george in that moment, who was by her side no matter what. it felt good to have some stability in the chaos of her current life. she smiled to herself, "yeah, me too."
"i love you dee, and i'm so sorry." george said, despite their being no reason for him to do, but it was still nice to hear the words, even it was from the wrong person.
"i love you too." dahlia said with a sniff to the one person who had always been there for her since the day she was born.
george cleared his throat. "i really have to go or i'll be really late but i'll tell blair to go over, yeah? she can help you get ready. and i'll make sure there is a spot for you next to mick in the garage."
"yeah, that'll be great, thanks." dahlia smiled. they said their final i love yous and goodbyes before hanging up.
it wasn't long until dahlia heard her bedroom door open and a scatter of paws sliding on the hard floor just before a scruffy dog jumped up onto her bed, and immediately starting attacking her with kisses on the face. dahlia couldn't help but giggle as the dog wouldn't leave her alone.