07 the bedroom door

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new romantics - taylor swift

dahlia woke up the next morning to someone knocking at her door. she sat up slowly, looking at the time. it was still early, though she probably should've been up and dressed by now.

she rolled out of her bed, stumbling over to the door. she opened it to see jude leaning on the doorframe, a towel threw over his shoulder and a smirk written across his face. she immediately regretted not running her fingers through her hair a few times before answering. "hey, what are you doing here?"

"are you still not up?" jude asked with a laugh, looking the girl up and down.

"no..." dahlia said quietly, standing there in her oversized t-shirts and shorts.

"my hot waters not working, they're fixing it now but i could do with a shower." jude said, raising up the towel and fresh clothes he was holding. "can i use yours?"

"yeah, yeah, of course." dahlia opened the door more and stepped aside to let the boy in.

"thank you." jude smiled, walking through the room towards the bathroom.

dahlia closed her door again and ran over to her bed once she heard the water running.


you'll never guess whose in my shower rn






dahlias head darted up as she heard her bedroom door open again, confusion raising in her.

"hello?" she called out, telling herself it was most likely the cleaners this time around.

"retreat. retreat." a voice hissed quietly.

"lando?" dahlia yelled, standing up and walking towards the living area of the room.

a guilty looking lando and alex slowly turned back to face the girl. dahlia looked down to see a bucket of ice water into landos hand.

"dahlia!" alex said enthusiastically. "you're awake?"

"yeah." dahlia said flatly, folding her arms.

"we definitely weren't doing anything." lando moved the bucket to try and hide it behind his legs.

"you are gonna need to be smarter than that in this years prank wars." dahlia smiled at them, pointing to the bucket.

"it was his idea." alex said, pointing the finger at lando.

"no, mate, it was yours!" lando hissed.

"i said, it would be two birds with one stone by waking her up." alex defended himself as the two argued like the girl wasn't even standing there.

"well, the jokes on both of you cause i'm never gonna be late this year." dahlia said, straightening up to stand properly. the two boys laughed at the girls resolution causing her to roll her eyes.

"hold on, why is the shower going?" lando asked, peering passed the girl, whose face turned red. the boys eyes widened as he saw the messy bed.

"oh my god..." alex said slowly, a grin growing on his face.

"no, no, no!" dahlia started shaking her head.

"oh my god!" lando yelled, frowning in disgust.

"no! oh my god! no!" dahlia shouted at them, trying to usher them out the door.

I Can See You // Lando Norris *¹Where stories live. Discover now