20 i think ive seen this film before

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voyager - boygenius

"And I don't mean to make it all about me
But I used to believe no one could love you like I do
And I'm startin' to think that it might be
impossible not to
You thought I'd never leave and
I let you believe you were right"

"oh my god dee, i'm so so sorry." blair said gently, stroking her arm as dahlia sobbed into her shoulder. "you don't deserve this at all."

"i can't believe it! not again..." dahlia cried, barely able to get the words out as she gasped for air between sobs. "i- i..."

"hey it's okay. you don't have to say anything." blair said. she picked up the glass of water that was on the locker. "have some water, okay?"

dahlia nodded, her hand shaking as she took the glass and took a small sip. her phone rang next to their feet on the ground. blair bent down and picked it up. "it's george."

"i can't..." dahlia shook her head. as much as she loved her brother, she knew he would be in 'protective mode.' despite dahlia loving george for looking out for her, she didn't have the mental strength for it right now.

blair nodded, standing up and answering the call for the girl. "hey george." she spoke into it softly. george's voice could be heard mumbling through the phone, despite it not being on speaker.

"yeah it's blair...no i was here since yesterday. yeah she saw." blair said, glancing over to dahlia who was still crying. the brunette pulled her legs back up onto the bed, hugging them tight while swaying slightly.

"no. he hasn't tried to make contact yet, he's probably still in bed sound asleep the d-" blair stopped herself before saying anything rash. george sounded mad through the phone, "no, don't come over yet. maybe later, i think she just needs a bit to register...yeah she's in shock i think...yeah no i understand, don't worry i won't...okay i'll see you later."

blair hung up, putting the phone on silent before putting it back on the locker. she sat back down on the bed, putting an arm around dahlia, letting the girl cry until she couldn't anymore.


"okay," blair panted as she walked back into the girls bedroom after going out for a bit to shops and takeaways. "i have chinese and indian food, i figure whatever we don't eat we can just put in the fridge for later. i also have ice cream, which is already in the freezer, along with even more comfort foods, including crisps, chocolate and breakfast bars."

dahlia, who was snuggled up in bed, cuddling her ginger cat - susie,  gave a small smile of gratitude to the girl as she hopped into bed next to her. "are we feeling like friends or gilmore girls?"

"friends definitely." dahlia said weakly, handing the blonde the remote for the tv which she switched on.

blair lowered herself into the bed, leaning her head on top of dahlias. "i really liked him, bee." dahlia said, her voice cracking with upset. "i thought he was different."

"i know. so did i." blair sighed, rubbing the girls shoulder.

an episode and a half in, the apartment door knocked loudly. "that's probably george." blair spoke, getting up and picking up the empty chinese trays. "is that okay?"

dahlia nodded. blair smiled and left the room, leaving dahlia alone again. it was quiet, empty. she felt the tears in her eyes again as her mind was left with nothing else to think about.

I Can See You // Lando Norris *¹Where stories live. Discover now