"You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I can see ya, do ya?
I've been watchin' you for ages
And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it"
where dahlia russell slowly realises feelings for a boy whose had feelings for her forever
(lando n...
-CHAPTER SIXTY ONE- spring into summer - lizzy mcalpine
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"ugh i feel sick." dahlia said, dramatically dropping her head harshly onto the wheel of her car outside the silverstone circuit.
"okay, let's not do that." lando said, pulling the girl back up against her seat. "you're gonna be fine."
"what if i crash and break more ribs?" dahlia said, looking to the boy through her panicked eyes.
"you're not going to do that dahlia." lando told her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly. "you're overthinking, stop."
"easier said than done." dahlia huffed under her breath.
"i know." lando smiled sympathetically at her, bringing her hand up and place a small kiss on her knuckles. "but try not to. you have hours of prep now first, okay? you'll be fine."
dahlia nodded, smiling thankfully at him. "i'm glad you're here."
"me too." lando said, pulling the girl in for a small kiss before pulling away. he looked out the car window, "look, there's blair and mick!"
dahlia looked behind her, blair and mick had pulled in the parking space next to them, despite having the whole car park almost to choose from, grinning and waving madly at them, more excited than dahlia herself.
"you ready?" lando asked.
dahlia sighed, turning back to her boyfriend, "as i'll ever be."
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