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Welcome back everyone. Or welcome to the story if you're new. This is the rewritten „Royals Highschool"

If you haven't noticed yet. The main ship is Wither husbands. That ship is Sausage x Fwhip.


I just love it. And there are too little fanfics of it. (At least it was that way at the time I started this. Now there are way more and I'm really happy about that)

Now for the information of the ships and characters.


- Wither Husbands (Sausage x Fwhip)

- Flower husbands (Jimmy x Scott )

- Nature wifes (Kathrine x Shubble )

- Jizzy (Joel x Lizzy)

- Jornoth (Xornoth x Joey)

- Pixlzloy (Pixl x Zloy)

- wither wives (Pearl x Gem)


- Fwhip Grimm:

=> Dragon wings
=> Ginger hair
=> 6' / 182 cm
=>Prince of Grimlands
=> daddy issues
=> has never been outside his own kingdom.
=> 16 y/o

- Gemini Tay:

=> magical wings (not real)
=>Fwhips twin
=> also ginger
=> also 6' /182 cm cause twin
=>Princess if the Crystal Cliffs
=> 16 y/o

- Sausage Myth:

=> 6'9 / 205 cm
=> Prince of Mythland
=> Nice and loving parents
=> can fight
=> has Many animals
=> is best friends with Pearl
=> no wings
=> 17

- Pearlescent Moon:

=> Princess of Gilded Helianthia (I'm having so much trouble spelling that)
=> golden wings
=> Farmer Princess
=> Best Friends with Sausage and Gem.
=> 5'11 / 180 cm
=> 17 ( a lil younger than Sausage tho)

- Pixl Riffs:

=> 6' / 182 cm
=> Prince of Pixandria
=> Is like the mother of any group.
=> Zloy and Lyarrah are his childhood friends
=> no wings
=> 17 y/o

- Lizzy Shadow-Solidarity:

=> Is dating Joel
=> 10' /304 cm
=> can shift into human state: she's 5'5/ 165 cm
=> Has fish skin. Always. The blue axolotle cant shift into human fully.
=> blue fins always stay
=> has to be in water every once in a while
=> older sister of Jimmy. But still twins. (Idk they hatch out of eggs so)
=> no wings. Fish can't fly
=> 17 y/o (ik she's some ancient being. But her parents are still alive so she a kid again)

- Joel Beans:

=> 5'9 /175 cm
=> Lizzys boyfriend already from the start of the book.
=>Has a green tripe of hair in his brown one.
=>skin at the start of the series (the green one)
=> no wings
=> 16 y/o

- Jimmy Solidarity- Shadow:

=> Cod boy. Nothing more to say.
=> Can also be a giant cause sibling things.
=> Can shift into any size he wants to be in
=> usually 6'5 / 195 cm
=> no wings
=> 16 y/o

- Scott Major:

=> 6'8 / 203 cm
=> elven ears.
=> cyan hair
=> elve
=> golden stag consecrate? (The golden Horns) (google translate go brrr) (later on)
=> feathered white wings.
=> 17 y/o

- Xornoth Major:

=> 6'8 / 203 cm
=> elven ears
=> purple hair
=> elve
=> feathered purple wings
=> purple horns (later on)
=> 17 y/o

- Joey Grace:

=> Together with Xornoth
=> 6' / 182 cm
=> Parrot wings
=> 16 y/o

- Kathrine blossom:

=> She's a fairy
=> 5'4 / 162 cm
=> smol kid
=> fairy wings
=> 16 y/o

- Shubble Berry:

=>Mushroom lady
=> Best „friends" with Kathrine.
=> 4'3 / 129 cm
=> ladybug wings that are under a red mushroom
=> 16 y/o

Shubble is now Berry because that's canon.

I'm really excited about this new start and welcome everyone who has decided to continue reading the new version here. And of course I welcome the new Peeps as well. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it

Royals Highschool (NEW) / empires S1/ Wither husbands Where stories live. Discover now