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"woah" was all i could say after matt and i kissed. "i sure as hell missed that" he joked. "i think i could a tree with that" i smirked.

"i think we should do it again just for all times sake" matt said. "oh y'a? just for old times sake?" i asked. "mhm" he nodded his head.

i placed my lips on his and it just turned into a full on make out sesh. "guys what the fuck?" nathan said walking in on us. "nate please don't say anything" matt said.

my eyes went wide for a bit while nathan stayed silent. "nate please" i said.

"who am i gonna tell?" nathan asked. "thank you" matt let out a big sigh of relief. "when did this happen" nate asked.

"literally just now" i laughed. "so no one knows?" he asked. "nope" matt said popping the p.

nathan just nodded his head and walked out of my room fo the tour bus. "at least it was him and not nick" he laughed. "that you are so correct my friend"

"so are you sad that today is the last day of tour" chris asked me. "i think it's bittersweet, and this week i have the grammys with matt so it's gonna be super fun" i smiled.

"still can't believe you chose him over me" nick rolled his eyes. "nick i'm sorry!" i said for like the millionth time. "you know i'm only kidding i love you" nick smiled. "love you too" i smiled at him.

"ok bitch! time to get ready, it's your last day of fucking tour" adi said walking into the the room. "adi say hi" i said to her like i was her mother. she looked around at the room and saw nick, matt, chris and nathan waving at her

"oh hey guys" she said smiling. "hi adi" they all said in union.

adi quickly got started on my makeup. "so matt when adi wins at the grammys next week are you gonna give her a big smooch?" adi asked.

and for one i didn't even tell her about last night!

matt's face immediately went red. "y'a no i don't think so" he laughed subtly. "ok i'll just wait and see it on national tv" adi smirked at him

i mouthed to matt 'i'm really sorry i didn't tell her i promise' 'all good' he smiled at me.

"have you figured out your dress yet?" nick asked me. "this girl avery dmed me some styled which i seriously liked a lot, like the best i've seen in a very long time" i said

"is she hot" chris asked. "bro i don't know" i said. like i know what she looks like.

"and your done" adi said putting the finishing touches on my face.

"oh she's gorgeous" nick said once the full outfit was complete. "thank you nick" i smiled. "well matt are you gonna compliment her or not?" adi asked him

i legit slapped my palm to my face.

"you look stunning, you always do" matt said with a smile.

oh my god my heart

"thank you matty" i said blushing.

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