Forgotten Love (BossNouel) part 4

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As Boss wanders the bustling streets of Seoul, his mind consumed by thoughts of Nouel, he feels a sudden exhaustion wash over him. The weight of his search presses down on his shoulders, each step heavier than the last as he navigates the crowded city streets.

Seeking solace from the chaos of the city, Boss decides to take a moment to rest at a café nestled near the tranquil banks of the Han River. The gentle lapping of the water against the shore provides a soothing backdrop as he settles into a seat by the window, the warmth of the sun filtering through the glass.

As he sips his coffee, Boss's thoughts drift back to Nouel, his heart heavy with longing. He wonders where Nouel might be, if he's even still in Seoul after all this time. The uncertainty gnaws at him, filling him with a sense of restlessness that he can't shake.

And then, just when he least expects it, Boss spots Nouel through the window of the café, his heart leaping in his chest at the sight of his long-lost love. With a surge of adrenaline, Boss pushes open the door and steps inside, his eyes never leaving Nouel's face as he approaches.

As Boss's gaze sweeps across the bustling café, his heart skips a beat when he sees Nouel behind the counter. Time seems to slow as a rush of emotions floods through him – hope, disbelief, and a desperate longing to finally be reunited with his lost love.

With trembling hands, Boss makes his way through the crowded café, each step feeling like an eternity as he inches closer to Nouel. He can feel the weight of his own heartbeat thundering in his chest, drowning out the noise of the café around him.

Nouel's eyes widen in surprise as Boss approaches, a flicker of recognition passing through them before being quickly masked by a veneer of indifference. Boss's heart sinks at the sight, but he refuses to be deterred. He knows that he can't let this moment slip away – not when he's come so far in his search for Nouel.

Taking a deep breath, Boss settles into a seat at the counter, his eyes never leaving Nouel's face. He watches as Nouel moves about behind the counter, his movements graceful and practiced, yet tinged with a sadness that Boss can't help but feel deep in his own soul.

Time seems to stretch on endlessly as Boss waits, his gaze locked on Nouel's every move. He can feel the weight of the moment pressing down on him, the anticipation building with each passing second.

And then, finally, the last of the customers trickle out of the café, leaving Boss and Nouel alone in the quiet solitude of the empty space. It's now or never, Boss realizes, his heart pounding in his chest as he braces himself for what comes next.

As Nouel finishes cleaning up the last of the tables, he can't shake the feeling that someone is watching him. He glances up and is startled to see Boss sitting at the counter, his heart skipping a beat at the unexpected sight. For a moment, Nouel's breath catches in his throat as he takes in the sight of the man he thought he'd lost forever.

Approaching Boss cautiously, Nouel can't help but feel a rush of emotions welling up inside him – surprise, disbelief, and a fierce longing that threatens to consume him. Boss looks different than he remembers – more tired, perhaps, but still undeniably handsome in his coat, a warmth emanating from him that Nouel can't help but be drawn to.

"Hey," Nouel says softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he approaches Boss. "Everyone has left. Why are you still here?"

As Nouel approaches the counter, his heart races with a mixture of emotions. Seeing Boss after all this time fills him with a sense of disbelief – is it really him, sitting there in the café, looking so lost and alone? The sight of Boss stirs up a whirlwind of memories, each one more vivid than the last, and Nouel finds himself struggling to make sense of it all.

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