A second chance to love [UpPoom]

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Up and poom as ming and joe in my stand in the series

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Up and poom as ming and joe in my stand in the series .

It was a warm summer evening, and the city was buzzing with life. Poom strolled down the bustling streets, his mind preoccupied with his upcoming plan. He had thought long and hard about it, and tonight was the night to put it into action. There was someone special he had to confront about unresolved feelings-Up, his ex-boyfriend.

As Poom neared the trendy café where he knew Up often visited, he mentally rehearsed his lines. The breakup had been amicable, or so it seemed on the surface, but neither of them had truly moved on. It was clear in the lingering looks and the tension-filled interactions they still shared. Poom knew he had to do something drastic to make Up face his true feelings.

Poom's heart skipped a beat when he saw a familiar figure across the street. Up was standing outside a bookstore, flipping through a novel with a focused expression. Poom hesitated for a moment, debating whether to approach him. But before he could make a decision, Up looked up and their eyes met. Poom's lips curled into a small, involuntary smile. He walked over, trying to appear casual.

"Oh, look, it's Up," Poom said, his tone light and teasing.

Up's eyes narrowed slightly, and he snapped the book shut. "Poom," he replied curtly, his voice carrying a hint of irritation. "What do you want?"

Poom's smile faltered a bit, but he kept his composure. "Just saying hi. I'm actually on my way to a date."

Up raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "A date? With whom?"

"Cha Eunwoo," Poom replied, his tone slightly smug. "You know, the actor."

Up's jaw tightened, a flash of jealousy flickering in his eyes. "Eunwoo, huh? Didn't think he'd go for someone like you."

Poom's eyes widened in surprise and hurt. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Up stepped closer, his eyes locking onto Poom's with an intensity that made Poom's heart race. "Just that he could do better," Up muttered.

Anger flared up inside Poom. "You know what, Up? Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean you get to belittle me. I've moved on, and clearly, you haven't."

Up's expression softened for a brief moment, but it was quickly replaced by a look of determination. Without another word, he grabbed Poom's wrist and pulled him closer. Poom gasped, the proximity sending a jolt of electricity through his body.

"Up, what are you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Up's lips crashed onto his. The kiss was fierce and passionate, filled with all the unresolved emotions that had been simmering between them. Poom's mind went blank, and for a moment, all he could do was respond, kissing Up back with equal fervor.

When they finally broke apart, both were breathless. Poom stared at Up, his eyes wide with a mix of confusion and longing. "Why did you do that?"

Up's gaze softened, and he cupped Poom's face with one hand. "Because I'm not over you, Poom. And I don't think I ever will be."

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