Sorry [HiguchiMashiko]

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Higuchi and mashiko from my personal weatherman

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Higuchi and mashiko from my personal weatherman.


The city lights of Tokyo flickered below as Higuchi's train sped through the evening rush hour. He felt the weight of the day's stresses still clinging to him, thoughts racing between deadlines and meetings left unfinished. But amidst the chaos of his mind, there was a persistent ache—an awareness of something he had neglected.


His colleague, his friend, and lately, someone more. They had grown closer over months of shared projects and late-night strategizing sessions. But in the relentless pursuit of career success, Higuchi had inadvertently distanced himself from the person who had become increasingly important to him.

Exiting the station, Higuchi walked with purpose through the bustling streets, anticipation building with each step towards their shared apartment building. He climbed the stairs to their floor, heart pounding with a mix of nerves and determination.

When he unlocked the door, the apartment was dimly lit, save for the soft glow of a lamp in the living room. And there, sitting on the couch with a book in hand, was Mashiko. His tousled hair and focused expression softened the guilt gnawing at Higuchi's heart.

"Mashiko," Higuchi said softly, stepping into the room.

Mashiko looked up, surprise and a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Hey," he replied, setting the book aside. "You're home late."

"Yeah," Higuchi sighed, crossing the room to stand in front of him. "I'm sorry, I've been... distracted lately."

Mashiko's gaze softened with understanding. "It's okay, Higuchi. I know how demanding work can be."

Higuchi took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he knew he needed to do. "I want to make it up to you," he said earnestly. "Let's have a night for ourselves. Your favorite movie, your favorite snacks, just us."

A flicker of surprise crossed Mashiko's face, followed by a slow smile that melted Higuchi's resolve. "Really?"

"Yes," Higuchi nodded, a surge of determination fueling his words. "I'll make it special. Just give me a chance."

Mashiko stood up, stepping closer until they were mere inches apart. "You don't have to," he murmured, his breath warm against Higuchi's cheek.

"I want to," Higuchi insisted, his hand finding Mashiko's and squeezing it gently. "Because you matter to me."

The tension between them shifted, no longer burdened by unspoken apologies but charged with a new understanding. Higuchi took Mashiko's hand and led him to the couch, where they settled in side by side.

With the soft glow of the TV casting shadows around them, Higuchi hit play on Mashiko's favorite movie. They shared popcorn and laughter, the weight of the day's stresses gradually fading into the background.

As the movie progressed, Higuchi found himself stealing glances at Mashiko, admiring the way the soft light played on his features. The lines of tension in Mashiko's face softened, replaced by a relaxed expression as he lost himself in the film.

"You know," Mashiko said suddenly during a lull in the movie, "I used to watch this with my family every year."

Higuchi turned to him, genuinely interested. "Really? What's your favorite part?"

Mashiko chuckled softly. "The ending," he admitted. "It's bittersweet, but it always leaves me feeling hopeful."

They shared a moment of quiet understanding, the movie soundtrack providing a gentle backdrop to their conversation. Higuchi felt a surge of gratitude for this opportunity to reconnect with Mashiko on a deeper level.

As the movie neared its climax, Higuchi glanced at Mashiko, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of shared laughter and the glow of the movie playing in the background, Higuchi knew that he had found something worth fighting for.

Their evening continued in a haze of shared moments and heartfelt conversation, each gesture and shared joke reaffirming their bond. They reminisced about past projects and discussed future aspirations, the weight of unspoken emotions lifting with each passing minute.

When the movie finally ended, they sat in comfortable silence, the only sound the gentle hum of the TV. Higuchi turned to Mashiko, his heart full with the realization of how much he had missed these moments with him.

"I'm sorry for not being there enough," Higuchi said quietly, breaking the silence.

Mashiko looked at him, his expression softening with understanding. "I know," he replied gently. "But I'm glad we're here now."

Higuchi nodded, gratitude swelling within him. "I promise to make more time for us," he vowed, his voice steady with determination.

Mashiko smiled, reaching out to squeeze Higuchi's hand affectionately. "I believe you," he said softly.

In that moment, amidst the glow of the TV and the warmth of their shared space, Higuchi felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had found something precious in Mashiko—a connection that was worth nurturing, a bond that deserved to be cherished.

As they prepared for bed that night, Higuchi silently promised himself to never again let work overshadow the person who had come to mean so much to him. And as they fell asleep together, intertwined in each other's arms, Higuchi knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together—a journey marked by shared moments, heartfelt conversations, and a love that had blossomed amidst the chaos of their busy lives.


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