Finding time for us (OhmNanon)

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Ohm had been working non-stop for weeks, his schedule packed with back-to-back meetings, filming, and promotional events. As much as he loved his job, it left him little time to spend with Nanon. Nanon understood the demands of Ohm's career but couldn't help feeling a bit neglected. He missed their late-night movie marathons, spontaneous trips to their favorite ice cream shop, and simply lounging around doing nothing together.

One evening, as Ohm was rushing out the door for yet another engagement, Nanon stood in the hallway, arms crossed, a pout on his lips. "Are you ever going to have time for me again?" he asked, trying to keep his voice light but failing to hide the frustration completely.

Ohm paused, his hand on the doorknob, and turned to look at Nanon. The exhaustion in his eyes was evident, but so was the affection. He walked back to Nanon and wrapped him in a tight hug. "I know I've been really busy, and I'm so sorry. I miss you too, more than you know."

Nanon softened in Ohm's embrace, but the lingering annoyance was still there. "I just want a little bit of your time. Is that too much to ask?"

Ohm pulled back and cupped Nanon's face in his hands. "I'll make it up to you. I promise." He kissed Nanon gently before reluctantly heading out.

The next few days passed in a similar blur, with Ohm gone before Nanon woke up and returning long after he had gone to bed. Nanon tried to stay patient, but it was hard. On Friday evening, he was particularly grumpy, scrolling aimlessly through his phone on the couch, the TV playing in the background. The house felt unusually quiet without Ohm's laughter and the soft hum of his voice.

Just as he was about to give up on the day, the doorbell rang. Nanon's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't expecting anyone, and Ohm wasn't supposed to be back for hours. He walked to the door and opened it to find Ohm standing there, a sheepish smile on his face and a large bouquet of Nanon's favorite flowers in his hands.

"Surprise," Ohm said softly, stepping inside.

Nanon's annoyance melted away as he took the flowers, his eyes shining with surprise and delight. "What are you doing here? I thought you had work until late."

Ohm shrugged, looking a bit embarrassed. "I talked to my manager and rearranged some things. I couldn't stand the thought of you being upset with me all weekend."

Nanon set the flowers down and threw his arms around Ohm, holding him tight. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Ohm murmured into Nanon's hair. "How about we spend the whole weekend together? No work, no distractions. Just us."

Nanon pulled back to look at him, eyes wide with excitement. "Really?"

"Really," Ohm confirmed, a smile spreading across his face.

They spent the weekend doing everything they loved. On Saturday morning, they woke up late, wrapped in each other’s arms. Ohm suggested they cook breakfast together, and soon they were in the kitchen, laughing and teasing each other as they made pancakes. Nanon managed to get flour on his face, and Ohm leaned in to kiss it away, both of them giggling like children.

After breakfast, they decided to have a movie marathon. They piled up a mountain of pillows and blankets on the couch, snuggling up together as they watched their favorite films. They made a game of quoting lines and guessing what would happen next, their laughter filling the room.

In the afternoon, they went for a walk in the park. The weather was perfect, with a gentle breeze and the sun shining brightly. They held hands, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company. They stopped by the ice cream shop they loved, sharing a sundae and reminiscing about their first date there.

By the time they got home, it was early evening. Ohm suggested they make dinner together, and Nanon eagerly agreed. They prepared a feast, dancing around the kitchen to their favorite songs, stealing kisses whenever they passed each other. The meal turned out delicious, but the highlight was the time spent together, the kitchen filled with warmth and love.

That night, they lay in bed, their fingers intertwined. Ohm looked at Nanon, his heart full. "I promise I'll make more time for us. You're the most important person in my life, and I never want you to forget that."

Nanon smiled, his head resting on Ohm's chest. "I know. And I'm always here, cheering you on, even when you're busy. Just...don't forget about me too often, okay?"

Ohm chuckled, pressing a kiss to Nanon's forehead. "I won't. I love you."

"I love you too," Nanon replied, feeling content and happy as they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Sunday was another perfect day. They woke up to the smell of fresh coffee that Ohm had made. They decided to have breakfast on the balcony, enjoying the morning sun. The rest of the day was spent exploring a nearby town, visiting little shops, and taking pictures together. They made memories that would tide them over during the busy times.

By Sunday evening, as they lay tangled up on the couch, tired but happy, they knew that no matter how busy life got, they would always find their way back to each other. And that was enough.

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