Unyielding Love (JoongDunk)

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In the bustling metropolis where Joong resided, skyscrapers soared high into the sky, their glassy facades reflecting the hustle and bustle of urban life below. Each morning, Joong would awaken in his small apartment, greeted by the distant hum of traffic and the faint glow of city lights filtering through his window. Yet despite the vibrant energy that surrounded him, Joong found himself trapped in a fog of forgetfulness.

As he emerged onto the streets below, Joong was enveloped by a sea of faces, each one a stranger in the crowd. The cacophony of sounds—the honking of horns, the chatter of passersby, the distant rumble of trains—filled the air, creating a symphony of urban chaos. Amidst this flurry of activity, Joong felt like a solitary figure adrift in a vast sea of humanity.

Despite his amnesia, Joong possessed an unyielding determination to uncover the truth about his past. With each step he took, he scanned the familiar landmarks of the cityscape, hoping that something—a street corner, a storefront, a glimpse of a familiar face—would trigger a memory, no matter how small. Yet, time and time again, his efforts were in vain, leaving him feeling even more adrift in the vast expanse of the city.

But beneath the surface of his uncertainty, a flicker of curiosity burned bright. Joong refused to succumb to despair, clinging to the belief that somewhere amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets lay the key to unlocking the secrets of his own identity. And so, with each passing day, Joong continued his quest, determined to carve out a place for himself in the sprawling tapestry of the city, one memory at a time.

In Joong's dreams, he found solace in a world where memories danced freely, unfettered by the constraints of reality. It was there, amidst the ethereal landscape of his subconscious, that he encountered Dunk—a boy whose presence stirred something deep within Joong's soul.

Their dream encounters were like scenes from a forgotten love story, each moment filled with an undeniable sense of connection and familiarity. They would meet in tranquil settings—a sunlit meadow, a deserted beach, or beneath the shimmering glow of a starlit sky—where time seemed to stand still.

In these dreams, Joong and Dunk shared laughter and whispered secrets, their conversations flowing effortlessly as if they had known each other for eternity. Their bond felt tangible, an invisible thread that bound them together across the expanse of dreams.

As they explored their dream world together, Joong felt a sense of belonging that eluded him in his waking life. Dunk's presence filled the void left by Joong's forgotten memories, offering him a glimpse of the warmth and affection he craved.

But with the first light of dawn, the dream would inevitably fade, leaving Joong yearning for more. As he awakened to the harsh reality of his amnesia, Joong clung to the echoes of his dream encounters with Dunk, longing for the day when they could be together again, not just in dreams, but in the waking world as well.

One ordinary day, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, Joong's routine was interrupted by a surprising sight—a familiar face amidst the crowd. There, in a quaint café tucked away on a bustling street corner, Joong spotted Dunk, the boy from his dreams.

A spark of recognition ignited within Joong's chest, sending a jolt of electricity through his veins. Could it be? Was this the same Dunk who had visited him in his dreams, filling his nights with warmth and companionship?

Before Joong could gather his thoughts, Dunk quickly rose from his seat and hastily made his exit, leaving Joong staring after him in bewilderment. The encounter left Joong feeling both puzzled and intrigued. Why had Dunk left so abruptly? And what was their connection beyond the realm of dreams?

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