Forgotten Love (BossNouel) Final

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As they step into Boss's apartment, the air is thick with anticipation and the promise of intimacy. Boss leads Nouel to the cozy haven of his bedroom, where soft lamplight casts a warm glow over the room.

With a tender smile, Boss gestures for Nouel to join him on the bed. Nouel hesitates for a moment, his heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, before sinking down beside Boss.

They sit in comfortable silence for a moment, the air alive with the crackle of electricity between them. Then, as if drawn by an invisible force, they move closer, their bodies aligning perfectly as they wrap their arms around each other in a tender embrace.

Nouel rests his head against Boss's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Boss's arms encircle him protectively, pulling him close in a gesture of unwavering love and devotion.

In the soft glow of the lamplight, they lose themselves in each other, their fingers tracing lazy patterns on each other's skin. Their breaths mingle in the air, a symphony of love and longing that fills the room with warmth and affection.

As they cuddle on the bed, Nouel feels a sense of peace wash over him, a feeling of contentment that he hasn't felt in far too long. In Boss's arms, he knows that he is safe, cherished, and loved – everything he's ever dreamed of and more.

As they cuddle in the intimate warmth of Boss's embrace, a sense of calm settles over Nouel. But as Boss's gentle voice breaks the silence, Nouel's heart lurches with a sudden wave of apprehension.

"Baby, let's talk," Boss murmurs softly, his words tinged with a mixture of concern and determination.

Nouel's breath catches in his throat, his mind racing with a thousand questions and fears. He knows that this moment has been looming over them, a shadow that they can no longer ignore.

With a deep breath, Boss finally broaches the subject that has been weighing heavily on both of their hearts.

"Nouel, I need to know... what really happened back then?" Boss's voice is gentle but firm, his eyes searching Nouel's face for answers.

Nouel's heart pounds in his chest, his throat constricting with the weight of his unspoken secrets. He knows that he can't keep hiding the truth from Boss any longer, that they need to confront the past in order to move forward.

And so, with a heavy heart and trembling hands, Nouel finally opens up to Boss, telling him everything –

As Nouel rushes through the crowded streets, his heart pounding with worry, the shrill ringtone of his phone pierces through the cacophony of sounds around him. With trembling fingers, he answers the call, his breath catching in his throat as he hears the panicked voice on the other end.

"It's Boss," the voice gasps, barely audible over the din of the city. "He's been in an accident. You need to come to the hospital right away."

Nouel's world spins as he races towards the hospital, his mind a whirlwind of fear and desperation. When he arrives, he's met with a scene of chaos – doctors and nurses rushing back and forth, the air thick with tension and uncertainty.

Pushing through the throngs of people, Nouel finally reaches Boss's room, only to be met with a sight that fills him with dread.

Boss lies unconscious on the hospital bed, his face pale and drawn, his body battered and broken.

But Nouel's relief at seeing Boss alive is short-lived, as he's immediately confronted by Boss's parents.

Their faces twisted with anger and disdain, they hurl accusations at Nouel, blaming him for Boss's condition.

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