Romantic walk on beach (PerthChimon) part 2

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With a heavy heart, Chimon left the park, the evening shadows lengthening around him, mirroring the uncertainty that loomed over his thoughts. Determined to get answers, he headed straight to Perth's place.

As he walked, the familiar route did little to calm his nerves. Each step felt heavier, burdened with the weight of unanswered questions and growing doubts. When he finally arrived at Perth's door, he took a moment to steady himself before knocking.

The door opened, and Perth stood there, looking surprised but not displeased to see him. "Chimon? What are you doing here?"

Chimon tried to keep his voice steady. "I needed to talk to you. Can I come in?"

Perth hesitated for a moment before stepping aside. "Sure."

Chimon walked into the apartment, the air thick with an awkward tension. He followed Perth to his room, where the familiar sight of scattered books and clothes greeted him. But something new caught his eye—photos spread out on Perth's desk.

He stepped closer, his heart sinking as he recognized the faces in the pictures. It was Perth and his ex, Saint. They looked happy, carefree—moments captured in time that spoke of a bond Chimon couldn’t ignore.

"Perth, what's this?" Chimon asked, pointing to the photos.

Perth glanced at the desk, a mix of emotions flashing across his face. "Oh, those. I found them while cleaning up. I guess I got a bit nostalgic."

Chimon felt a pang of hurt. "Is that why you've been ignoring me? Are you still hung up on Saint?"

Perth looked away, his silence more telling than any words. Chimon's heart ached with the realization.

"Perth, I've been trying to reach out, to understand why you've been so distant," Chimon continued, his voice trembling. "But if you're still not over Saint, if that's why you’ve been pushing me away, I need to know."

Perth sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Chimon, it's not that simple. Seeing these photos brought back a lot of memories. It's been confusing, and I didn't want to drag you into it."

"But you already have," Chimon said softly. "I need to know where we stand, Perth. I can't keep feeling like I'm the only one trying."

Perth finally met his gaze, guilt and regret evident in his eyes. "You're right. I should have been honest with you. I do still have unresolved feelings about Saint, and I've been trying to sort them out. But I care about you, Chimon. I just didn't know how to handle everything."

Chimon nodded, the hurt still there but mixed with a glimmer of understanding. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "Perth, I think we need a break."

Perth looked stunned. "A break? You mean...?"

"Yes," Chimon said, his voice firmer now. "I can't keep doing this, feeling ignored and uncertain. You need time to figure out your feelings, and I need time to take care of myself. Maybe after some time apart, we can see where we stand. But right now, I need to step back."

Perth looked pained but nodded slowly. "I understand. I'm really sorry for how I've treated you, Chimon. I never meant to hurt you."

Chimon gave a small, sad smile. "I know. But we both need this. Take care, Perth."

With that, Chimon turned and left the room, each step away from Perth’s apartment feeling like a step towards clarity and self-respect. He hoped Perth would find his own clarity, but for now, Chimon knew he had to prioritize his own well-being.

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