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I peel my eyes open and stretch my arms into the air. I notice I'm no longer on the couch and my brothers and nowhere nearby me anymore. The cold air creeps back in as I pull the cover off of me. 

I look over at the little alarm clock placed on the night stand, and it's 2am. And there's no way I will actually be sleeping now, and I am kind of hungry. 

So I move over to the edge of the bed and pull my wheelchair close enough for me to get onto it and wheel myself out of the room and towards the kitchen. 

Halfway through I notice that the kitchen lights are still turned on, I wonder who's awake at this time. Moving towards the entrance of the kitchen I notice a very tired Francesco sitting on the kitchen table with multiple books and his laptop in front of him. His hands frustrated, covering his face. 

"Hey" I whisper slowly trying not to startle him, he snaps his head up immediately after hearing my voice, "What are you doing up at-" He looks down at his wrist watch to check the time, "2am" He finishes. 

"I just woke up and was hungry, so I came by to check if there was something in the fridge" I say. 

"What are you working on?" I ask, "If you don't mind me knowing" I add, I don't want him to feel obligated to share something he doesn't want to share. 

I don't really want them to feel like I'm intruding in their lives, I'm trying to keep my distance from them. They've known eachother their entire lives, and I feel like I'm destroying the equilibrium they've created among themselves. 

"Just a medical case, one of my patient needs to be diagnosed but I can't figure out what is causing his symptoms" He says looking down at his notes. 

"Let me make something for you to eat." he gets up from his seat and moves towards the drawers and pulls out a pan, "You don't have to, I'll just have some milk or something, you look tired, I don't want to bother you" I feel guilty for coming into the kitchen now, Frank already looks tired enough to drop dead right in the middle of the kitchen, I don't want to add onto that. 

"It's barely a bother, and anyways, I have had 4 hours of sleep before starting my work, I'll be fine," I do feel guilty but the noise from my stomach shuts me up from saying anything else. "how does a grilled cheese sandwich sound?" He asks turning on the stove and grabbing some butter from the fridge. 

"It sounds perfect," I smile, maybe they are good brothers and I'm just being paranoid. Maybe they actually won't hurt me. And maybe I'm not really intruding.

He moves over towards the table and moves a chair making space for me and my wheelchair. There's a comfortable silence between us as I watch him make us the sandwiches. He has soo much concentration on what he's doing and he makes sure it looks perfect even while serving it into the plates. 

"You want me to cut it up into triangles, or just cut it along the middle?" He asks finally looking over at me, "Triangles please" I reply.

"Good choice" He goes back to cutting it up and I can't help but notice tiny features about him I haven't notices before 

His features are sharp and his eyes, honey colored. He had dark brown hair, styled perfectly even in the middle of the night. This is the first I've seen him in anything other than formals, wearing just a plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants. 

his eyebrows furrow and he lightly bits the corner of his lips while focusing on something, looking at his features, any girl would be lucky to have him. 

I've also noticed his arms, not too built like Andrea, but looks like he could carry around some weight. He definitely works out, just like the others. 

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