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"What the fuck happened to you?" I hear Andrea's voice from across the room, clearly talking to Luca after looking at his arm. 

He walks over to where I'm currently working on fixing the big gash on Luca's arm. 

A while ago, when Luca came and asked about what had happened, he asked if he could have a go at Samuel, maybe try and do some damage. 

Samuel even when tied to a chair managed to hurt Luca when he fell backwards smashing the chair and charging at Luca with the broken piece. Our guards captured him before he could do more damage, but managed to get a deep cut at the side of Luca's arm. 

"Samuel happened, but he's being dealt with" I say, still concentrating on stitching up his arm, all of us were made to learn basic first aid when we joined the mafia, it's always a useful skill to have on hand. 

"quanto e cattivo?" He asks looking at me, (how bad is it), clearly referring to the wound, "It'll heal." I say. 

Luca doesn't even flinch when I finish up and put on temporary dressing until Francesco can come and fix it properly. 

"Where's Frank?" I ask him, "I need him to come and fix his dressing" I say looking at Andrea.

"He's with Sylvie upstairs," He says, "How's she?" Luca finally speaks up, he cares but needs time to get used to having her around. I know he's scared that she's gonna leave again, he just needs a bit of time. 

"She's fine, but she has too many questions right now" Andrea speaks up, removing his blazer and loosening his tie before taking it off too. 

"Take a breather before you talk to her" I say, knowing that he's nervous about taking to her and telling her about all the dangers and power this family holds. 

Luca slips down from the table and walks out of the basement without saying a word. Everyone right now is afraid about what Sylvie will do when she finds out that it was her father that she's known all her life, tried to kill her. 

She's been through enough, but she deserves to know the truth as well, however harsh the truth might be. 


I don't know what to think right now, all I do is cling to Matteo's arm all the way home and ask him to stay with me and just talk about random things so that I don't get lost in my thoughts again. 

Even though he killed someone right in front of me, I try to tell myself that it was out of defense. 

Whatever he may have done, I'm alive and breathing right now because of him. I was worried to death when he was fighting that guy out there. I was scared to lose him. 

I care for him. 

We go back to the conversation we were having before the attack and just forget about everything around us, now I'm just giggling and laughing as he tells me stories about how Luca got into trouble once for almost burning the kitchen down. 

Since then he has been banned from cooking, or even stepping into the kitchen for more than just eating. 

I stop laughing once I see Aurelio and Andrea enter the room, I notice that both of them have taken out their blazers and ties and are simply wearing a white shirt tucked into black trousers. 

A weird silence fills the air with their arrival and my thoughts about the attack resurface. I mentally prepare myself to hear whatever information they are about to throw at me. 

Andrea takes a seat in front of me and places his elbows on his knees, kneeling forward. If I didn't know he won't hurt me, I'd be shaking and on my knees with the look he gives. 

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