~23~ Chilled...

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"Hmm..." she murmured not opening her eyes.

"We're home."



She didn't respond again and with a quiet sigh, I undid her belt for her and carried her princess style.

As I got to the door, I lowered her unto my knee and searched my pocket for the keys only to come up empty.

"Great." I had given my suit jacket to Jeremy to hold and in it was my key to the house.

Everyone was still at the ball and I was locked out of my own house.

"Everything ok Master Winston?" a help asked as I hitched her up.

"You won't happen to have a key to the house with you, will you?"

"I'm sorry sir. Is there any other thing I can do?"

"I'm afraid not. When my parents get back, knock on my car door please." I said and began back to the car.

"Sir I don't know if the lady will feel comfortable in the car."

I turned back, "any suggestions Blake?"

He looked down and didn't say anything for a second before muttering, "our quarters will house the lady well."

"Lead the way."

He looked up startled and when I nodded my head again with a little smile he hurriedly began moving.

At the door, he shuffled his feet and said, "it's in a little mess." and when I nodded once more, he opened the door.

Three ladies were seated with a cup of tea each in hand laughing about something and two guys were playing cards on the dining table.

Blake then cleared his throat to get their attention and when one of them caught sight of me, she stood up abruptly dropping her cup to the floor in her haste and the others followed suit.

I would have laughed out loud at that but I was too concerned the shattering of the cup hadn't woken Alexa.

"Oh my God I'm sorry. I'll clear this up. I'm so sorry." she kept going on as she wiped her hand on her dress.

I gave her a small smile, "Err Blake, any chance I can drop her soon?"

"Oh right! Sorry sir, come this way. This room had been unoccupied for a while now so... yeah." he trailed leading me into a neat peach coloured room.

I gently laid Alexa down on the bed and she stirred, "Jasper?"

"It's ok. I'm here, you can go to sleep now." I said quietly and she curled up and closed her eyes once more.

Once I was sure she was settled in well, I headed back into their living room where they were all still standing and communicating to each other with their eyes.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion. I'll be out of your hair as soon as my parents get back."

They all began speaking at once and I could gather that they were basically informing me to stay as long as I liked.

The one who had dropped the cup, with red cheeks, dropped to the floor to clean it up.

"I'll help with that. It is your off day after all." I said gently as I picked up the broken pieces.

"No no sir! I'll do it. And Mary will get you something to drink from the kitchen. Isn't that right Mary?"

"What I need you people to get is comfortable. Just go on with whatever you were doing. I'm not here." I said firmly and they all cautiously took their seats.

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