Ch 1 Pt 3: Fro- I mean Toad Hunting (REWRITE)

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...I really should stop jinxing it...

After getting up from our 'bed', i got to work while styling my hair. I decided to go with the most obvious choice, Giorno from JoJo Part 5. I mean we have the same hair and everything.

Dont ask how i got the equipment to even get the hairdo.

After finishing, i asked with confidence,

[Y/N]: "How do i look? Cool right?"

They were just frozen in confusion.

I honestly should've expected that. I mean, they don't call it "donut hair" for nothing.

Anyway, we got the basic equipment from the blacksmith. Kazuma chose a shortsword, while i chose throwing knives.

Yes. Throwing knives. Apparently they exist here.

Aqua, however, opted not to get anything, as she states that such weapons are, and i quote, "Unfit for a goddess like myself."

I exited the shop to get some fresh air away from the currently bicking duo.

Then a male voice called out.

???: "Excuse me, sir!"

I turned around to find the source of the voice, and it seemed to be directed at me.

It was a boy about the same height as me. He had the same hairstyle as Kazuma, but instead of the chestnut brown color, it was a darker shade of brown. (Think of Megumin's hair)

He wore a light blueish short jacket that ended in his ribcage, wearing a shirt with darker shade of blue underneath, and trousers with the same color as his shirt.

To top it all off, he wore a simple red scarf on his neck.

Could he be from Japan?

[Y/N]: "Yes?"

???: "Do you, uh, know where the Adventurer's Guild is? I'm kind of new to this town..."

[Y/N]: "Ah, you went past it, it's three buildings behind where you're standing."

???: "Ah, i see... Thank you!"

He then bowed, turned around, and sprinted straight to the guild in the span of 5 seconds.

And I didn't even get to ask his name...

Anyways, the two finally stopped bickering and exited the shop.

We then chose a simple Giant Toad extermination quest. It's their mating season right now, so all we need is to kill 3 of them.

And yes again, you heard me right, Giant Toads. They're extremely fast, big as a truck, and resistant to any form of blunt attack.

If you haven't figured it out already, it went as well as Kazuma choosing the blue haired idiot.

Right now as we speak, Kazuma is currently being chased by a Giant Toad while i was chasing said Giant Toad and Aqua was just standing there laughing like she saw two identical rocks in the desert.


[Y/N]: "I'm trying! This damn frog faster than i thought!"

I suddenly stopped running and sharply turned my face at Aqua,

[Y/N]: "And you! Stop standing there laughing like a maniac and help us!"

Aqua: "Don't wanna, maybe I'll do it if you worship me. Do it! Treat me like a goddess!"

[Y/N]: "Screw you!"

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