Ch 2 Pt 4: Finally, Equipment!

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I was about level 5 before the cabbage hunt started, and now I was now level 7.

That confused me, i never really killed those cabbages other than stabbing the leaves they use to fly with the tree branches, and they were alive when i brought them down, so why was i credited with the kill? Shouldn't it be the chefs serving them?

Also, why the hell to cabbages wield so many experience points?

I decided to not dwell on this for too long. After all, this is a new world after all, something as weird as this is probably trivial to the locals.

It was akin to going to a foreign country and getting culture shock.

Anyway, one head of cabbage costed ten thousand eris. So times that by 14 and i have 140k eris from sprouting two trees.

Granted it took a lot of mana from me and i felt like dropping faster than Megumin when casting her Explosion spell, but i did little to no effort and i got paid more than from the Giant Frog quest.

Or was it a Toad? I blame Megumin for this confusion.

Anyhow, the bounty was so high because eating these cabbages fresh can give experience points.

Meaning if i had the money, which i dont, i could theoretically get to the required level to use the arrow, which i still dont have, just by eating cabbages.

With my level increasing, my skill points also followed suit. As for why that happened, i chose to not think about it. I wouldnt sleep peacefully if i did, after all.

That being said, i now had three skill points. Unlike Kazuma, the amount of things i could learn are very limited. I couldn't learn how to use a sword, i couldn't learn how to increase my proficiency with my throwing knives, the only thing i can spend it on are magic and my Stand's skills.

This was probably the first time i envied Kazuma, the last time being when he managed to get high-grade equipment back in World Of Warcraft.

But on the bright side, i would just need to focus on those two things. And so i did.

There wasn't much i could learn on my Stand, so i spent one point on upgrading Life Giver, one on Life Sensor and one on learning Basic Magic.

Basic Magic was self-explanatory, it was basic elemental magic composed of fire, earth, water, and wind. Basically the elements from Avatar.

At their core, they were not meant for offensive purposes, so most mages decided to save up for Intermediate Magic, or if your really dedicated, Advanced. If you're insane you can save up 50 points to learn Explosion Magic. But i am not Megumin so I'll pass.

Since it'd take that much points, i decided that learning Intermediate Magic will be learnt on another day. But just because they're weak on their own, doesn't make them inherently useless like a certain blue haired individual on our team.

On a kind of related note, some people were born with skill points. It was natural to see people who can just choose top-tier jobs from the get go have a high amount of skill points.

Useless goddess aside, the other two girls in our party were probably very privileged from the start. The fact that a 13-year old girl managed to obtain more than 30 skill points to learn Explosion Magic says a lot of things, and the fact that Darkness has the durability of a brick wall, i can guess she spent most of her points on defense-related skills, completely pushing aside any sword proficiency skills, judging from her performance on the cabbage hunt.

But compared to them, me, Kazuma, and Shigeo had zero...

Whatever, no point in getting depressed from this.

Once i spent all of my skill points, the only thing left for me and Kaz was gear. Shigeo was already happy with his clothing so he didn't join.

And so we went to the streets of Axel for equipment.

Aqua: "...Why do I have to tag along and shop with you?"

I was also wondering the same question.

Kazuma: "No, you should prepare some equipment too. I might only have my gym clothes and [Y/N] still has his school uniform on, making him look like some shady businessman, but you're in the same boat, right? Your only equipment's that flimsy hagoromo, right?"

[Y/N]: "Oi, i heard something interesting. My ears dont deceive me, you know?"

His questionable description of my clothing aside, he was right. Apart from her pajamas, she's been wearing the same clothes the entire time we've been here.

Aqua: "Don't be stupid-I think you've forgotten that I'm a goddess! This hagoromo's a holy relic. It can defend against abnormal statuses and has great durability. It's a heavily enchanted precious artifact! There's no other equipment better than this!"

[Y/N]: "If that's the case then dont dry it along the haystack!"

Kazuma: "But hey, at least we know what to sell when were in debt. Oh hey, look at that chest armor."

[Y/N]: "Looks neat."

Aqua: "Ka-Kazuma, [Y/N], you're joking, right? This hagoromo's proof of my divinity! Y-You won't really sell it, right?"


Aqua: "R-Right...?"

It kind of feels refreshing seeing that I'm not the person being ignored.

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