Ch 3 Pt 1: A Very Disjointed Party

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[A/N: So like, remember when i said that i would publish chapters in bulk? That's half true.

I'm still going to publish 2 or more chapters every once in a while, but I'm probably going to post most chapters separately, cause my brain is a mess.

Also, THANK YOU FOR 2K READS! Like, really didn't think this book would get that much in under a few months. Thank you so much.

Also, probably going to make a Gojo Male Reader X Konosuba fic, cause fuck it, why not? Probably not gonna have a lot of special things but it might be fun to read, so there we go.


nyways, enjoy the chaos of this bizarre world once again. peeeeeeeaaaaaaceeee.]

Adventurer: "Have you heard? Rumour says that a General of the Demon King’s army has taken over the old castle on that hill a short distance away from town."

Kazuma: "A Demon King’s General. That sounds bad, but it has nothing to do with us."

Adventurer: "That's right."

In the corner of the bar operated by the guild.

I was listening to someone conversing with Kazuma sitting at my table and drinking during the day.

I wasn’t drinking beer though, but Neroid Swish.

What was Neroid?

What was Swish?

I only tried it out of curiosity since the people told me this was the non-alcoholic beverage of choice among patrons.

If you asked me if it was good, I could only answer it in this way:

It's easier to understand the basics of King Crimson's ability than this flavor.

But I knew what swish meant.

It was the texture you felt when you drank it.

This wasn’t a carbonated drink. I didn’t really get what the swish texture was, but this feeling could only be described as swish.

I finished the Neroid and placed the cup on the table.

There was an unexpectedly huge crowd of people chatting in the guild, and I could hear many interesting topics. For example, the places to avoid taking quests in because dangerous monsters have been spotted there.

I had a hard time just surviving since coming to this world and had never gathered intelligence in this way before. So collecting information was the most important step to avoid raising flags.

Talking about such things in a bar had an adventurer-like feeling, so it made me happy.

Other Adventurer: "Anyway, it’s better not to approach the abandoned castle to the north of town. This isn’t the capital of the kingdom, so who knows what a Demon King’s General is doing here. But since it’s a general, it’s probably an ogre lord, vampire, archdemon or dragon. No matter what it is, it’ll be a monster that can kill us instantly. It’d be best not to take any quests around that place for now."

[Y/N]: "Noted, thanks."

Kazuma: "Thank you."

After thanking the man, we left our seats and returned to the table our party was at, and were greeted with staring. Minus Shigeo, since he was sleeping like a baby.

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