DORMMATE: Chapter 2 - Rescue

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Soobin awoke to voices of two people talking to one another, but his mind was too fuzzy to put together what they were saying

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Soobin awoke to voices of two people talking to one another, but his mind was too fuzzy to put together what they were saying. He opened his eyes slowly, and winced. Soobin felt his whole body in pain, and the bright light of the room he was in attacking his eyes mercilessly.

"Oh? Glad to see you've woken up, Soobin," A female voice greeted him.

Soobin shifted his head to the source of the voice, only to see an unfamiliar face looking back at him. He quickly sat up in pure confusion, dismissing the pain he felt as he did so. Soobins eyes quickly trailed off of the unknown person down to his legs, where he felt the most pain. Upon catching sight of his legs, he saw that they were all bandaged up.

"Woah, woah, woah! Don't get up so quickly, you need to rest!" The girl said as she rushed toward Soobin, ushering him to lay back down on the bed.

"W-where am I?" Soobin asked as he laid back down, taking in the appearance of the girl. She appeared to be in a nurse uniform, making Soobin suspect that she was indeed one.

"You're at Youth Hospital," The nurse casually replied, and sighed, stepping back to give Soobin space.

"Huh- Why? What happened?!" Soobin asked desperately, not remembering anything that had happened to him earlier.

"I think it's better for your friend to explain it to you," The nurse suggested, pointing at somebody at the corner of the room,"After all, he was the one who took you in."

Soobins gaze followed the nurse's finger, and his expression turned into one of shock and fear when he saw who it was. That "friend" of his wasn't his friend at all, instead, it was Choi Yeonjun. It was his ex.

"Are you feeling any better?" Yeonjun asked as he walked up to Soobins bed.

Soobin didn't respond to him. Instead, he blankly stared at the male, unwanted memories of them recurring in his head.

"I leave you two be," The nurse said in a friendly demeanour,"If you ever need me, just ask for nurse Nayeon."

Nayeon made her way out of the room, Yeonjun thanking her so in the process. All the while the nurse was leaving, Soobin just kept staring at Yeonjun, taking in his new look.

The blue hair that the other once had was replaced with black hair along with a mullet. Yeonjun didn't seem as feeble as he did once before, looking broad in the black shirt he was wearing. He grew taller, and the fat he had once in his face was gone. Yeonjun looked utterly fine, making Soobin feel all nervous, the feelings he once had for him flooding back. It was just like seeing him for the first time, again.

"Soobin?" Yeonjun called out when Nayeon wholly left the room, looking down at Soobin.

"What do you want?" Soobin snapped out of his state of mesmerization and hissed towards the other.

"Wow, I don't even get a thanks for taking you here after your dumbass got hit with a car?" Yeonjun asked, looking at Soobin with annoyance.

"You have to work for my thanks after you broke up with me for no reason." Soobin replied, staring daggers at Yeonjun.

"Can we just talk to each other normally without you bringing up the break up?" Yeonjun said as he crossed his arms.

"How can I fucking not?! You literally left me for no reason, you made me fall in love with you then left me fending for myself! And now you just expect me to talk to you normally!?" Soobin snapped, his eyebrows furrowing in anger.

"That was a year ago. Stop dwelling over it and being a sensitive fucking brat, Kim!"
Yeonjun snapped back while he looked at Soobin fiercely.

"Sensitive?" Soobin repeated, tears starting to well up in his eyes, "You're calling me sensitive? You're telling me to stop dwelling on our relationship after what you did!?"

"That's what I'm saying. Just seem like sensitive, stupid people like you can't understand." Yeonjun bluntly stated.

"You don't even know what I've been through, Yeonjun! You dont know what you've put me through, you wont understand, and you never fucking will!" Soobin angrily said, tears threatening to pour out of his eyes.

"That's because I'm not a loser who gets dumped, Soobin." Yeonjun coldly replied, showing no remorse as to what he had just said.

"Wow..You've changed. You really are an asshole, Yeonjun." Soobin looked and said to the other in disbelief, tears streaming down from his eyes.

"Awe, is the little brat crying? Stop being so sensitive, Soobin. You look pathetic and embarrassing." Yeonjun replied, mimicking Soobin afterwards.

"You know what? Just get the hell out of here!" Soobin yelled, facing away from Yeonjun while tears continued to pour out of his eyes.

"Whatever you say," Yeonjun sighed, "You're on your own with your hospital bills, maybe if we had just talked normally it would've been a different situation."

Soobin scoffed as Yeonjun started to walk away, moving his head to look at his bandaged up legs. Soon after the door shut, Soobin breath a sigh of relief.

That wasn't the Yeonjun that Soobin had remembered, both physically and personality wise. The old Yeonjun wouldn't even dare to say anything like he had just said. Then again, that was the Yeonjun Soobin knew in the past. And the one that he knew was from a year ago.

For a few moments Soobin quietly sobbed. But he eventually got himself together. Soobin wiped his tears away and tried to see if there were any telephones in the room, or even better, his own phone.

Luckily, he found his phone along with his tote bag on the table beside him. He grabbed his phone and quickly unlocked it, dialing his friend, Beomgyu.

"Soobin! Where have you been!? I've been worried sick trying to reach you!" Beomgyu worriedly exclaimed on the other line.

"Beomgyu," Soobin sniffled, "Can you come get me from Youth Hospital..?"

"Huh, why're you there? Are you okay?" Beomgyu eagerly asked.

"I'll explain it all later, can you just come quick?" Soobin desperately pleaded.

Beomgyu sighed, "Just wait moment, hyung. I'll come get you."

Soobin then heard the sound of car keys on the other line, before he heard the sound of the call ending. He sighed and put his phone away, just sitting in silence, staring off into space as he waited for Beomgyus arrival.

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