DORMMATE: Chapter 14 - Face to Face

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Soobin slowly fluttered his eyes open

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Soobin slowly fluttered his eyes open. He checked the time on the clock that was on his dresser and saw that it was just 6 in the morning. Frankly, he felt shocked at himself for waking up so early. Normally he would need to get through five alarms to wake up.

As he was about to sit up and stretch, he suddenly remembered the fact that Yeonjun and him were now dorm mates. So that meant that Yeonjun would probably definitely be here at this moment. He felt his stomach sink, now feeling incredibly nervous and distraught.

He decided that his best bet would be peeking his head up to see if Yeonjun was awake or not. If he wasn't, then it was mostly all good for him, he thought. But if he was, that wasn't the most ideal situation. Soobin decided he would just try his best to ignore him.

After a few seconds of laying down, absorbed in his own thoughts because of his plan, he finally decided to go ahead with it. Carefully, he stuck his head up. His heart beat fast as if there was a maniac in his room. Which, wasn't really far from the truth.

Once he stuck his head up, he saw that to his luck Yeonjun was still fast asleep. He let out a breath he didn't know he was even holding in.

Then he quickly stood up and stretched. After he stretched for a good few seconds, he turned around and made his bed swiftly.

He then directed his feet to walk towards his dresser to grab some clothes for him to wear, then he redirected himself to go inside the bathroom after. Once he was in the bathroom, he closed the door behind him quietly and turned on the bathroom lights.

Soobin groaned, finding that he was moving too fast for his usual speed during the mornings. Truthfully, he felt agitated by it.

He was wasting all his time trying to avoid Yeonjun, his ex, which he longed for so badly, but which he had to avoid for him, his family, and his friend's sake. Choi Yeonjun, who hurt him so badly to the point that any help he received, he wouldn't get any better. Yeonjun, who kept him up in his bed at night sobbing, who made him stop eating, who ripped his heart out of his chest, who ruined him mentally and physically.

Before Soobin knew it, a tear escaped from his eye, which got him out of his thoughts. He took a deep breath and wiped his tear away. No time could be wasted, because who knew when Yeonjun would wake up? Soobin certainly wasn't the one to ask since he was absolutely clueless.

Soobin quickly did his morning routine, doing his skincare routine and brushing his teeth. Then he put on his outfit of the day, putting his night-wear clothes in the laundry basket of the bathroom.

He did all of this relatively fast. That led him to think that surely Yeonjun would still be asleep by the time he returned to the bedroom, got his things, and left.

Quickly, he reached out his hand to unlock the bathroom door, proceeding to open it after.

When Soobin opened the bathroom door, he got struck with panic, as his eyes met with Yeonjuns own sleepy eyes.

Soobin gulped nervously upon being suddenly face to face with Yeonjun. Though, it seemed as the other didn't even give another thought about the current situation that just unraveled.

"Are you gonna stand there or are you gonna get moving..?" Yeonjun was the first to speak up, yawning and rubbing his eyes afterward.

"I-uhm.." Soobin muttered out and looked down as to not face him, "I'll move, sorry."

Soobin quickly got out of Yeonjuns pathway and into the bedroom. He glanced up at Yeonjun as he was leaving, and made eye contact with him immediately. It seemed as if Yeonjun just had his eyes glued to Soobin the entire time.

Not too long after he fled, Yeonjun got in the bathroom and closed the door.

Soobin let out a deep breath, and felt that he was almost being suffocated by Yeonjuns presence alone. He stood still for a few seconds, his mind blank, only the image of Yeonjun appearing.

Oh how starstruck he truly was. He changed so much. Way too much for Soobin to comprehend.

Finally, Soobin moved. He got his tote bag from the top of his dresser and slid on his shoes, tying their laces up quickly.

Classes started at 8:30AM, and the time was 6:24AM. Despite that, Soobin started to head for his door in order to get out of his dorm, away from Yeonjun.

Before he could open the door of his dorm, the door of the bathroom opened first, the light from the room casting over the dorm.

"What are you doing going out so early?" Yeonjun asked, looking at Soobin with a tired, but more conscious facial expression than before.

Soobin froze at the opening of the bathroom door and Yeonjuns question, but he shot him a quick answer, "I'm just heading to the college campus."

"Are you a new student as well?" Yeonjun asked him sarcastically "Classes don't start until more than two hours from now."

"W-well, what if I wanted to go to classes extra early?" Soobin argued, wanting to slap himself from stumbling over his own words.

Yeonjun sighed at Soobins words, scoffing ever so quietly, "Suit yourself then."

"I will." Soobin replied subtly and finally got out of the dorm hastily, closing and locking the door behind him.

When Soobin was outside, he slid down onto the ground in a crouching position. He was reprimanding himself on the inside.

He'd be lying if he said his heart was beating like crazy right now. Soobin groaned at himself quietly and slapped himself on the cheek at his own actions.

He stood up after a few short moments and started to walk to the college campus. Secretly, he had hoped that Yeonjun would follow him to the college campus. But that would never happen. By the time he reached the college, there were no traces of Yeonjun anyhow.

Surprisingly when he tried opening one of the doors of his college, it had opened. He entered, and miraculously the lights were opened and some students and staff were already in the building. The atmosphere was calm and silent, which he liked.

Soobin proceeded to walk in, the door closing by itself as he was doing so. When he got further into the college building, he started to walk towards the library of the building.

Before he got to the library, he heard someone calling out his name, "Soobin, over here!"

Soobin flinched at the voice, but nonetheless, he did as told and looked behind him, a happy look on his face emerging when he saw just who was calling for him.

"Hi Chaeryeong!" Soobin greeted, walking over to her as she was signalling for him to do so.

"You're here early, what's the occasion?" Chaeryeong asked as Soobin got a close distance to her.

"Nothing, really." Soobin lied, "I just wanted to head over to the library to do some studying for my exam in two days."

"Really?" Chaeryeong asked, the smile on her face brightening, "Why don't we study together? I came here early for the same reason as well."

"Sure, your company would be nice," Soobin replied, a genuine smile shaping his lips.

"Let's head over to the library then." Chaeryeong said and started walking.

Soobin followed her not too long after. He enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his. They talked about very random topics on the way to the library, which made them giggle like maniacs.

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