DORMMATE: Chapter 3 - Rest and confess

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It's already been 3 days since the accident that left Soobin in the hospital

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It's already been 3 days since the accident that left Soobin in the hospital. Ever since then, Soobins been out of college, and under the care of his elder brother and his fiancé. Soobin was practically bed bound due to how much pyshical pain he felt trying to do something so simple as to stand up.Thankfully, Soobin had a friend in his class so he could do all his work at home.

Since he couldn't do much, the most he'd been doing was dwelling on what happened between him and Yeonjun. As well as being on the phone with Beomgyu, doing his school work, and watching shows. But as of right now, he was listening to music while being spaced out staring at the ceiling of the room he was in. After what felt like a few minutes, he felt someone shaking him, snapping out of his spaced out state. Soobin saw his older brother staring down at him, so he paused his music and took off his headphones.

"Do you need anything, hyung?" Soobin asked and waited for his older brother to respond.

"Hm, not really," His brother responded, then he smiled, picking up a bag from the ground, "But I got you your favorite, soba noodles and bread!"

Soobin blankly stared at the bag before he looked up at his brother, "Thank you hyung, but I'm not really hungry right now."

"Are you sure, bin? You've barely been eating these past few days. Theres no way you're not hungry, you have to eat, bin!" His brother scolded, his smile turning into one of a frown as worriedly looked at Soobin.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. I just don't get hungry easily," Soobin replied and forced a smile upon his lips.

"Taehyung, Jimin's already at the front door waiting for you." His older brother's fiance suddenly called out from the door of the room.

"I'll be right there, Jungkook," Taehyung replied and placed the bag on the floor, he turned his attention to Soobin once again and said, "I put the food on the floor for whenever you feel hungry, okay? I have to get going now."

Soobin only nodded his head in response and Taehyung started to head for the door. Taehyung bid his goodbye to Jungkook and gave him a quick peck on the lips, before he finally exited. Leaving Jungkook and Soobin alone.

"Soobin," Jungkook suddenly called out as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, Jungkook-hyung?" Soobin asked while he stared at Jungkook confused.

"We need to talk about something." Jungkook continued, sitting at the edge of the bed Soobin was laying on.

"Huh? Talk about what?" Soobin asked, tilting his head in confusion, then blurted out a scenario he had thought of in his head, "Are you calling off the engagement with my brother!?"

"What? No, I love Taehyung," Jungkook chuckled at the others silliness, "I'm talking about another thing, Soobin."

"Oh," Soobin said, feeling overly embarrassed, "Then what other thing?"

"Tell me honestly, what actually happened in the hospital?" Jungkook asked sternly as a serious expression appeared on his face.

"Hyung, didn't I already tell you though? I just woke up to Beomgyu and a nurse who basically told me I got hit with a car. Then I rested and Beomgyu took me into his dorm." Soobin replied, lying through his teeth, as he didn't want anybody knowing about the real situation.

"Soobin, stop it." Jungkook said and gave Soobin a disappointed look, "Just tell me what happened and I won't tell anybody."

Soobin turned his gaze down to his hands as he didn't wanna face the look that Jungkook was giving him. Truthfully, he wanted to tell the other, but he was for some reason afraid to.

"Pls, Soobin? You can trust me, I'll keep my mouth zipped," Jungkook pleaded, making an action of zipping up his lips, making Soobin giggle a bit.

"Okay, I'll tell you." Soobin said and he took a deep breath, before he hesitantly asked,"You do know Yeonjun, right?"

"Full well, why do you ask?" Jungkook answered skeptically and raised his eyebrow up.

"He was the one who brang me into the hospital. We kinda has an argument, and l've been dwelling on it a little bit. Actually, no, scratch that. I can't keep my mind off what happened and what he said." Soobin truthfully revealed.

"Really?" Jungkook asked in shock, "If you don't mind me asking, what did he say to you?"

"He called me a sensitive, stupid brat, and told me to stop dwelling on our relationship. He even left me with the hospital bills!" Soobin answered while he blinked back his tears.

"You shouldn't listen to him. He's your ex after all, Soobin." Jungkook sighed, giving Soobin a pitiful look.

"I should've just told you and my brother sooner," Soobin replied and frowned.

"Well, do you want me to tell Taehyung then? I could tell him on behalf of you, only if you want though." Jungkook offered.

"No, it's alright. I can just tell him on my own time, thank you though," Soobin rejected, looking back up at Jungkook, then he asked, "Don't you have a meeting to go to soon?

"Oh." Jungkook said, realization slowly creeping up upon him. He took out his phone and his eyes widened looking at the time. "Gosh I need to go, I'm really sorry I can't stay here with you longer, Soobin."

"It's okay hyung, don't worry about it, I'll see you." Soobin reassured, giving Jungkook a small smile.

Jungkook quickly muttered out a second apology and bid his goodbye, starting to head for the door. But just as soon as he was about to exit, he looked back at Soobin and the other caught his eye.

"I don't mean to pry anymore, Soobin." Jungkook said, "But when me and Taehyung came to pick you up from Beomgyus dorm, he said that somebody had already paid for your hospital bills."

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