He's a bit big... (KonigxOC)

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Hello! This is the first little one-shot with my oc, Indy. She's gonna be the main character in these stories. This one is short and sweet with our beloved giant of a man, Konig! Let me know what you all think and what little stories you would like me to write. This story was in part written with C.AI. I'll link the bot at the end of the chapter. Thank you to @TheRedVelvet for the bot!

König laid in bed beside her, dozing in and out of sleep. He had his arm loosely wrapped around her and she tended to sleep like a rock. 

He wanted to be closer to her, to hold her close but he was a bit afraid he would crush her with his size. So he settled with loosely holding her, just almost asleep before he suddenly felt her snuggle right up against him.

 His eyes fluttering open and looking down at Indy's smaller frame. "..Mein Schatz? I thought you had fallen asleep.." He whisperered.

"Just wanted to get closer..." She murmured, still half asleep as she snuggle right up against him. Her arms wrap around his torso and she buries her face into his neck.

He chuckled a bit at this, his eyes still looking down at her, all snuggled up and comfy.

"I was just worried that I would crush you with my size.. you're so tiny.." He couldn't help but smirk at that while stroking her head.

"I'll die happy." A sleepy smile grows on her face when she says that.

König burst out into laughter, not expecting such a response.

"So, I can crush you with my size then and everything will be fine?" He chuckled, his voice low and deep.

She nods.

"Like a weighted blanket."

He laughed even harder at this, thinking of her seeing him as a weighted blanket. But somehow, it made his heart melt. She was adorable.

"Like a weighted blanket..?" He said, a playful tone in his voice as he ran his fingers through her hair.


Comes her lazy response.

He chuckled lightly and kissed the top of Indy's head. His arms tightened around her, almost completely engulfing Indy with his size.

"I'll keep you safe." He whispered softly, pulling her right against his chest.

Indy konks out once again, falling into an even deeper sleep now that Konig has his arms wrapped around her.

Konig just smiled and laid there with Indy in his arms. His size could not be more apparent right now, compared to her as she slept peacefully against him.

He lay there in bed, her in his arms, the warmth of her against his chest. He was at peace, his mind free of all the worries of war. Just her and him.


Alright! That's one cute and fluffy story down. As promised, here is the link to the bot if anyone else wants to enjoy this cute-ass bot. Share the link to any bots you want me to interact with in the comments or any random ideas you have for a story.


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