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The night was cold, not the good crisp cold that gets some one into the winter spirit. It was damp cold, the rain had just stopped and Sam was walking home from a CVS pharmacy that was open twenty four hours. While in the CVS he felt like someone was following him, every now and again he would turn around and see a black haired individual who seemed to be scanning over the shelves but was never truly looking at anything. Sam brushed it off blaming his nerves over his instinct. This wasn't the first time Sam has been followed around a store, he had a following of two hundred thousand followers on instagram and sometimes people were too nervous to ask for a picture. This felt different to him though, usually he was followed by a group of teen girls. But this time it was a singular man that looked to be Sam's age.

"Fuck." Sam muttered as he tripped over his untied shoe lace. He got back up and continued walking, then felt a hand placed on his shoulder. "I saw you fall back there, are you alright?" Sam turned to see the raven haired guy from the store. His dull brown eyes cut right through Sam. "I'm fine, thank you." He replied quickly before speed walking away. "Hey wait up!" The random guy shouted running to catch up with Sam. "I'm Aaron, whats your name?" Sam looked at the man, Aaron, and let out a fake smile. "Sam, look I've really got to get home, my roommates worry." Aaron let Sam get a couple of feet ahead of him, then looked around at the completely empty road and ran up to Sam. Sam felt some solid hit his back and a hand cover his mouth. "It's not nice to blow people off like that Sam." Sam realized the object pressed to his back was a gun, "Follow me to my car, and if you even make as much as a peep I won't hesitate to blow your head off, understand?" Sam silently nodded and walked with Aaron to his car.

Aaron's grip on Sam's arm was tight and even if Sam tried to fight against it he wouldn't be able to slip out. Aaron threw Sam against his car and opened one of the doors. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and walked back over to Sam. "Turn around." Sam was paralyzed with fear and didn't register Aaron's words. "I said turn around!" Sam slowly turned around and Aaron grabbed Sam's hands, locking them up behind Sam's back. "Good." Aaron grabbed Sam by the arm and threw him into the back seat. "Lay down, if you sit up until I tell you to you're as good as dead." The door slammed and the driver side door opened. Aaron got in and started the car and drove like their wasn't a captive person in the back of his car.

New book!!
Lmk what you think of the first chapter and thx for reading 😁😁

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