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     Sam woke up with an uneasy feeling, he couldn't quite pinpoint where it was coming from, so he stayed still in bed until it went away. "I know you're awake." Colby said lightly before sitting on the edge of the bed. Sam looked up at Colby, every time he looked at Colby he felt like he knew him, but before this Sam had never met Colby. "Come on, I made breakfast." Colby got up iff the bed and waited for Sam at the door. Slowly, Sam got up and rubbed his eyes, he saw the man standing at the door with his hand extended towards Sam. Sam, unconsciously, stood up and grabbed Colby's hand. About halfway down the stairs Sam realized he was holding Colby's hand and ket go, Colby looked back at him, Colby looked hurt for a second, then cleared his throat and became happy again. "Just this way." Sam nodded and followed Colby.

     The table was set with two plate sitting across from one another, each plate had a fork, knife, and cup sitting by it. In between the plates was a stack of pancakes, next to bacon, eggs, toast, and jam. Colby sat down, then Sam. They ate in silence, really Colby ate in silence, Sam didn't trust his plate. "You okay?" Sam looked up from his hands and saw Colby looking at him. "Yeah, just not hungry."
"You've only eaten Cheese-its in the past four days, i'd be a fool to believe you're not hungry." Sam shrugged and looked back down at his hands. "We've already established that I'm not gonna kill you, so eat." Sam took a small bite from a piece of bacon then put it down. Colby sighed and continued to eat his food.

     After breakfast they both sat silently in the living on opposite sides of the couch. It was awkward, obviously. Questions ran through Sam's head, questions that wouldn't be answered for weeks. Sam looked around the room, while it was cool Sam had already seen it, he wanted something new. Something refreshing. "Whats with all the rooms upstairs?" Colby looked at him for the first time in a few minutes. "They came with the house."
"Yeah I know that, but who did the belong too?" Colby shrugged, "Family." He offered. Sam was scared that if he pushed too far Colby would snap, but at this point Sam wouldn't mind being dead. "But who?"
     Finally Colby got up and walked upstairs, Sam followed. Colby stopped in front of the first door, then used both his hands to point at two of the doors. "These are the only two that matter." He stated. "This one," he started again, "This one was my parents." He pushed open the door and inside there was a king sized bed with the most marvelous wood carven bed frame, red fabric draped over the bed. In the corner was a fancy chair that looked to be one big cushion, it had designs of flowers and birds on it. A matching foot stood sat in front of it. "My dad carved the frame." Colby said before shutting the door. "This one." Colby said before moving two doors down. "Was my sisters." The door opened, it was a small room and not nearly as decorated. There was only a bed and its frame. "Where is everything?" Sam asked. Colby shut the door softly and stared at the room a little longer. "We got rid of it when she died, my mom couldn't stand to look at it, nearly drove her mad." Sam felt as if he already knew that and it was a dumb question to ask. "This one doesn't really matter, it's mine." Colby opened the door nexts to his sisters. "Wow." Sam said. Colby closed the door and looked over to Sam. He gave Sam a weird look, and all of a sudden Sam realized he knew what was behind the doors the whole time. "I don't know why i asked." Colby nodded, "Its okay." Sam nodded and went back into his room.

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