Before You Read (Fuck Teenfic)

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This might have violence and possibly murder. Also probably blood, wound, and weapon TWs, especially if I post any art of this AU. Nothing is set in stone but I can never be sure so ima just say this now.

A few other things too-

1: This AU is also known as "Excuse AU" so if you hear me talking abt that, that's what I mean

2: I have a Tumblr account where I sometimes post random art and doodles of this AU if you might wanna see ==>

3 (IMPORTANT): There is a site called Teenfic that has been known to steal my SMG34 fics, so if you're not reading this on Wattpad, leave the site you are reading this on immediately. Teenfic lures readers in and then gives them malware!!!

Anyway, that's all for now. Happy reading!

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