Scales [Well]

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UNIVERSE: Well AU (Three is the human, Four is the monster)


It was afternoon now, and SMG3 was nervous. Had he been noticed? Were the fruits he took from the Lapisblood's part of the woods even safe to eat?

However, most Lapisbloods were very quick to kill their prey, and did not wander too far from their territory. Since SMG3 hadn't been attacked yet, he assumed he had been unnoticed... maybe the Lapisblood wasn't there?

To be completely honest, SMG3 was fascinated by Lapisbloods. He knew it was horrible, considering they caused the fucking apocalypse and all, but who cared? It wasn't like anyone would judge him. After all, he was alone.

Sadly, he hadn't even seen this Lapisblood before. The closest he'd gotten was seeing a quick flash of its long blue tail, and just that had scared him back to his home.

"Eggdog," SMG3 began, "Do you want one?" He held out a fruit to the ball of fluff, but the dog shook his head. Being a meme, he didn't need to eat, so he only ate food for the flavor. "Thought so," SMG3 sighed, taking a bite out of one of the ripe red fruits.

Suddenly, there was a loud CRACKing sound outside the cave that caught SMG3's attention. Eggdog's ears perked up, and he wandered towards the exit of the cave. SMG3 quickly stopped him, though, whispering "Eggdog! We don't know what that could have been..."

"Arf!" the dog replied. (But papa, I can investigate it-)

"No... I'll go see, okay? You just stay here."

SMG3 wasn't scared by a lot of things in the forest. The loud sound had probably just been a tree finally falling, or something. It would be a lot more terrifying if it was silent here.

As SMG3 walked out, he immediately saw what had happened. He had been right about the sound... kinda. A long (but fairly thin) tree branch had broken off a tree and fallen from high up, but what SMG3 didn't expect to see was a Lapisblood.

The Lapisblood in question was mostly blue, wearing stained and torn overalls that were almost mangled beyond repair in some spots. Its shirt was a faded shade of blue that looked more like gray, and SMG3 couldn't help but think that it looked a little bit familiar. It didn't help that it had black hair, too, although the Lapisblood's hair was longer, fluffier, and much wilder than the person SMG3 had been mentally comparing the Lapisblood to. Though, last Three checked, SMG4 didn't have large, scaly blue wings, either.

SMG3 cautiously approached it against his better judgement. What was it doing? It seemed to be just... laying face down on the ground, wallowing in its misery after humiliatingly falling from a tree.


SMG3 quickly stepped back once the Lapisblood showed signs of life again. It shook the leaves out of its hair as it sat up, muttering something in its language and opening its eyes. The Lapisblood had dark grey scleras and light blue pupils in the shape of slits. No... this wasn't... SMG4. SMG4 had darker blue eyes.

Then SMG3 remembered that he shouldn't be daydreaming right now... after all, there was a potentially dangerous creature sitting in front of him. A creature with claws, fangs, and even... talons? What kind of strange hybrid was this thing? Wait...

Even though most of the Lapisblood's skin was blue, its face seemed... oddly human, even in its skin color. There was no doubt about it that this was a human Lapisblood- a human transformed into an amalgamation of parts from other beasts.

SMG3 didn't know which was worse, the human Lapisbloods that had completely lost sight of themselves and hunted other humans, or the ones with enough awareness to know how horrible their situation was, who still has to live out their lives.

The traveler snapped himself out of his thoughts. What was he doing?! He had to run... or something. He wasn't sure what to do in this situation. Would running do anything? Should he just stay still and hope for the best? No-


Oh shit. It was looking at him. 

"Uh..." SMG3 froze up, now realizing that there was the possibility of him dying... "Hey... there?..."

"Hello," it said.

SMG3 stood there in shock for a second. Did he hear that right?

No... he couldn't have. "You can talk?!" he said, bewildered.

"...racist." The Lapisblood got to their feet and brushed the leaves off their clothes.

"I didn't-" SMG3 really hoped the Lapisblood didn't leave now. "I didn't mean it like that... just, I've never seen one of you speak before."

The blue Lapisblood prepared to fly away. "Diverse species," they said, and without another word, they flew off.

SMG3 didn't mean to upset it, but it was too late. He couldn't do anything now, and he just stood there in mild shock.

What a strange meeting.


Where had he heard the Lapisblood's voice before?

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