Fur [Moon]

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UNIVERSE: Moon AU (Four is the human, Three is the monster)


SMG3 had been confused for most of his life. Very, very confused.

And somehow, this human... somehow brought him a sense of familiarity. It was distant and felt... different, somehow, even if there was nothing to compare this feeling to that he could remember. It made his hands feel warm, like they were about to light up... 

But nothing had happened. He kept watching the human from above. He had faded clothes that were buried somewhere deep in SMG3's mind, and pretty blue eyes. Very pretty for a human. SMG3 didn't think he 'remembered' this person being so nervous, though.

It was saddening, to be honest. One day, he just woke up and everything felt wrong. He was laying on the cold stone floor of an underground cave, feeling like his entire body had been destroyed and rebuilt.  His arms ached, his wings felt too heavy, and everything about him felt unfamiliar.


Well, not anymore. Of course, in the time he spent after climbing out of the hole, he managed to get used to his wings. His clawed hands felt normal now, and his tail had always been there, as long as he could remember.

Though, the bloodbath was sickening. SMG3 couldn't bring himself to kill anyone like the rest of the Lapisbloods in the first year they were loose... he tried to make himself hurt them, but it didn't work on his mind. He felt horrible.

And these ruins? They had once been a city. But now the buildings were all burnt, broken, and deserted. SMG3 wouldn't admit it, but he was a little afraid of humans. Just a little bit. But he let them through, into the city, until the humans had taken so much and grown so comfortable that the other Lapisbloods came back.

This was the first human that had come to this place in a long time.

SMG3 sat perched on top of a building, silently watching him. 

Oh. He's looking back at me.


The human's voice sounded distant. Probably because it was- SMG3 was hearing it from on top of a building, after all. But he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

He was even certain he knew this person by now. SMG3 saw his face, and it was just so... hauntingly... familiar. The blue eyes, once full of joy. The pink scar that seemed out of place on the human's face.  

He didn't like that scar. 

But he liked the human.


SMG3 said it slowly and softly. He hadn't spoken to anyone but himself in a long time, and for a second he was afraid that the human hadn't been able to hear him. But the silence made it easier to hear for SMG4.

For a moment, SMG4 was almost shocked. "You can talk," he said, the fear in his eyes not fully disappearing yet but lessening.

The Lapisblood tilted its head. "That's odd?"

"It's uncommon," SMG4 said, almost getting comfortable already, before remembering who he was talking to. "I've heard of them, but I haven't met any except for you."

Now he had the chance to look at the Lapisblood and actually see what it looked like. From this distance, he couldn't tell much about the purple patches over its skin. Fur or feathers maybe? It did have large black wings like a crow's, but it also seemed to have paws instead of feet. Either one was just as likely.

Not that SMG4 really wanted the Lapisblood to come any closer so he could see.

...Why did he keep having to remind himself that this was dangerous? Why couldn't that thought just stick in his head? 

The only thing that scared SMG4 right now was the fact that he wasn't scared of this Lapisblood.


A/N: HELLO HELLO HELLO! So uh yeah, a bit of a shorter chapter this time but I just got home from the eclipse! Very cool and will probably forget that entire experience in a few months!

Anygays, uhh, I don't know what to put here...

- Coco

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