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UNIVERSE: Moon AU (Four is the human, Three is the monster)


SMG4 was not sure what to expect from this Lapisblood, but his hopes weren't very high. Did it want to kill him? Was it going to eat him? Absurd worries began to fill the Meme Guardian's head.

However, it turned out to be nowhere near as bloodthirsty and violent as SMG4 had pictured at first. And it didn't seem like just any human-turned-Lapisblood; while most did not care for English after they turned, this one had much better grammar, as if it almost exclusively spoke English instead of the Lapisblood tongue.

"Who are you?"

Honestly, SMG4 didn't know what to expect, but probably not an answer like...

"Three," the Lapisblood said.

SMG4 didn't know what to think- Why did he say that? There was no way. It's impossible. He must have been using tricks. Now that SMG4 was making comparisons, he saw that the Lapisblood did kind of look like- no.

No, it was impossible, that couldn't happen. That couldn't have happened to him. He was-.. gone, it wasn't-

Three took another step towards SMG4, alerting him. "Are you okay?"


Wait, SMG4 thought, SMG3 wouldn't be this... caring. Or soft-spoken. Yeah. He was rude. He was mean.

"I'm fine," SMG4 sighed. "Um, anyway... why were you... watching me?"

Three thought for a moment. " I don't know," he said, "but you seem interesting. What's that scar on your face?"

SMG4 suddenly got defensive. "W-well, what're those horns on your head?"

Four didn't know a lot about Lapisbloods, but he knew that there were at least two kinds. animal-Lapisbloods, which were simply amalgamated animals and were not as aware... and human-Lapisbloods, who could act just like a normal human at best. Except with the usual craving for violence that usually came with transforming.

Almost like a vampire, but probably worse. Because as a vampire, you get bitches, while as a Lapisblood, you terrify everyone around you, no matter what your intentions are. Three could be innocent, and Four would have no way of knowing, still fearing the beast.

Three paused, before responding, "Well played." SMG4 had correctly guessed that the Lapisblood transformation would have been a touchy subject... 

Was this rude? Probably. But did he even owe this Lapisblood anything? No, absolutely not.

"...Can I leave?" SMG4 asked.

"Why wouldn't you be able to?" Three asked. 

SMG4 had a look of confusion. "Oh... I thought... you might... kill me, or something."

Three looked disgusted. "If I wanted to kill you... I would have done it long before now. But no. I wouldn't kill a human to eat. I don't like... the thought of that. If I have problems with them, I'd rather use pain and suffering to drive them out instead of resorting to murder."

The blue Meme Guardian was kind of disturbed, to be honest. Pain and suffering wasn't that much better than killing people. Who knew what kinds of things it did? Lapisbloods weren't known to be particularly humane with any of their victims.

"Okay then." SMG4 started to walk away.

"Wait," Three said. SMG4 turned to look at him, as he continued. "If... if you come back here, I'll.. well, I won't kill you... and I'll keep the other Lapisbloods away."



"I don't," Three's tail swished from side to side as he searched for the right words. "I don't want to be... enemies."

"And why should I trust you?" SMG4 asked, narrowing his eyes. His survival skills may not have been the best, but he wasn't stupid. "How do I know you're not tricking me? There is a reason  we don't trust you."

Three's ears flattened against his head. Had SMG4 been too harsh? Three did seem well-intentioned. Dammit, he messed up...

"I don't want to be alone," SMG3 said. "I'm sorry... if you don't trust me... but I promise I won't try to hurt you."

"...Right. Well, uh, goodbye, SMG- I mean, Three." SMG4 started walking away, but he heard Three call out his name again. "What?"

"What's... your name?"

Instantly, stories of evil fairy myths filled SMG4's mind. But he had decided to trust Three, despite the creature being deadly.

"SMG4. I'm SMG4," SMG4 said, secretly just a little bit happy that for the first time in a long while, he was able to properly introduce himself to someone else rather than just passing by another person without a word. Even if the one he was talking to was a Lapisblood.

Three's tail swished with interest in the name, as a memory struggled to resurface. But SMG4 didn't give the interaction a second thought, and started to head back home.

It was only when Four re-entered the ruined vehicle, that he realized what had just happened. He made friends with a Lapisblood. Well, maybe not friends. He allied with a Lapisblood.

He groaned as he flopped back down onto his worn bed with the food.

Hopefully there wasn't any crazy shit about to go down because of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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