Prologue [Well]

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No, if you asked anyone in this place if they knew who that Youtuber was, they would shrug and ask you a million questions in return.

Why are you looking for "SMG4?" Who is that?

Do you have any allies out here?

Do you want to join me?

Have you been able to fend off the Lapisbloods well?

All perfectly reasonable questions, in times like these.

No one knows exactly how the "Lapisbloods" appeared. Blue-blooded creatures, vaguely humanoid but too monstrous to be seen as anything other than freaks of nature. Violent, bloodthirsty freaks of nature, too...

Some say they came from the very same pit that sunk Princess Peach's castle. Who knows, maybe they really were once normal animals. 

You can never know with that mysterious eldritch goop. If it can turn Peach into a mangled beast, what are the limits? 

That didn't matter, though. Nothing mattered except for the fact that the world was in an apocalyptic state because of those motherfuckers.


Of course, SMG3 always declined the people who offered to join him. He was perfectly fine out here with just him and Eggdog, there was no need to complicate it.

Food for three survivors? Two was much simpler...

SMG3 got up and hugged Eggdog for a second. "I'm going out to look for food right now. Stay out of trouble, okay?"

He set Eggdog back down on the cave floor.

Maybe finding food would be faster if he was still with SMG4's crew.

Despite their past, Three hoped they were okay right now.

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