Intro [Well/Moon]

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A/N: If the "[Well/Moon]" part of the title confuses you, it'll be explained later. Don't worry about it!


"At last... I have come up with the perfect way to get my revenge on that Meme Guardian..."

The mysterious character grinned to themselves before looking back at the TV that sat in front of them, and changed it to display the pit made by the SMG4 crew's explosives, to hold the demonic goop.

The TV-headed person would not forgive the SMG4 crew for interrupting their plans. Even after all they had taken from the crew already, they weren't satisfied. It wasn't enough. It wasn't fun anymore, for the control freak.

This, however, would be verrrrrry entertaining...

"These designs are some of my finest work, if I do say so myself," they said to no one in particular, and watched the piles of eldritch stuff. "Everything should go according to plan... I know it will."

They watched Eldri- no, Lapisblood Peach as she crawled by.

A perfect test result.

It was time to begin...


Fuck. This was a stupid idea.

They should've seen this coming. WHY did they try this?! It was all so wrong... everything had gone wrong...

They had even lost control. They never lose control. They never let this get out of their control, but that didn't matter. Who cared that the Lapisbloods turned out to be near-mindless barbaric wild animals instead of the perfect minions, and were now putting thousands of people that Puzzlevision didn't intend to be a part of this in danger.

Screw the plan. Forget the deals, the keyboard, the simulation, the notebook...

The TV-headed villain was genuinely panicking now, struggling to find any kind of solution. There wasn't enough time or magic in the world to fix this mistake. Best thing they could do now was go into hiding... maybe into a simulation to live out the rest of their days as happy as can be, like that gray Inkling, or sucked into their own mind like SMG4... live in a secure place, away from the chaos and danger, and just keep watching?

Who cared anymore? This world wouldn't be fun anymore. What would they do, just... watch? As interesting as the thought of an apocalypse was, they had no control over their cameras anymore. Not to mention the lack of control would drive them mad.

The Lapisbloods had taken over.

No one was happy with this.

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