Forest [Well]

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UNIVERSE: Well AU (Three is the human, Four is the monster)


Ah, the forest! A very nice place. Yes, the air was clear. The animals were plentiful. And the sounds of humans screaming as other Lapisbloods mercilessly chased them through the serene greenery had stopped long ago, when most of the humans had been driven out or...

...eaten. That wasn't a possibility that SMG4 liked to think about much, though.

Sure, it was a natural part of life- the hunters hunt, and the hunted live out their miserable little lives in caves and temporary camps. But SMG4 didn't mind them much. He didn't exactly love the thought of humans in his nice little quiet forest, but thankfully there was only one, and he didn't come near. The upside to being a Lapisblood is that you can scare people...

 SMG4's blue tail swayed as he walked through the forest, listening to the birds. Delicious birds. If only he was fast enough to catch any! He was annoyingly clumsy in this body, with large scaly blue wings that he sometimes forgot he had.


That's strange. The human has ventured further into the forest than usual! How rude. This was not his territory, but SMG4 could allow it if he did not come any closer.

Oh. He is almost within vision range. Is that what it's called? Probably not... but I should hide.

SMG4 quickly climbed a tree and stayed as still as he could, which was hard considering the intrusive thoughts he was having right now that were telling him to just kill the human already, but... no, he couldn't. He had rules for what to kill, and humans were a NO.

Peering through the leafy branches, SMG4 watched the human. What was he doing? Why was he here? If the human was here to hunt, he could have stayed in his own part of the forest. 

As the blue Lapisblood kept watching, he saw that the intruder was carefully picking fruit from the trees. But it took so long! He would pick a fruit, then turn it over and over again in a different direction, every single time he found a new fruit! Humans could not possibly be this weak to simple foods. And- Oh! What a waste! He just threw away one that was only 76% poisonous...

Still, SMG4 watched the human. There was something about him that was so... familiar. Maybe he'd been chased through the forest before and survived? Maybe...

Well, it was the best answer that SMG4 had so far, considering he couldn't remember a single thing from before waking up in this body. He only had his instincts and his brain (that was probably not very large) to guide him, but somehow he survived! 

He started to nibble on a leaf from the tree as the human FINALLY left and went home to his cave, and SMG4 leapt out of the tree, landing on the ground with an ungraceful thump. He gathered up the discarded "unusable" fruits that were discarded, and began to run towards his own "home".


Home! Home sweet home! It was just a cave, but it was warm enough and just large enough for SMG4 to live. There were the natural "shelves" on the cave walls (for rocks and other food to eat later), and his be- his nest. Was it a nest? While some other types of Lapisblood preferred stick nests or nests made of feathers or fluff, SMG4's was just a lump of blankets that he always got tangled in overnight.

What an odd train of thought. SMG4 didn't need to worry about anything, and this was a nice, simple life, unlike a human's. A human's scary, difficult, admittedly more interesting life...

Hmm. SMG4 began to think, as he placed the abandoned fruits on the shelves, that maybe he would observe the human.

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