Observe [Well]

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UNIVERSE: Well AU (Three is the human, Four is the monster)


The next few days for SMG3 were odd.

Maybe if he were less observant, he could have told himself there was no Lapisblood stalking him. But the quick flashes of blue at the corners of his vision, the rustling of leaves when the wind was still, and the other obvious signs were there.

Yep, it was definitely around somewhere nearby.

SMG3 sighed, glancing around and up. There it was, peeking out from the trees. Its vibrant blue tail was sticking out of the branches above. Sometimes SMG3 wondered if it even knew.

"I know you're there," SMG3 said.

No response.

"You're above me. Right above me. You're looking at me right now with your really unnerving grayish-blue eyes."

The Lapisblood then jumped out of the tree and landed in front of SMG3 on its feet.

SMG3 was slightly startled, and he jumped back a little bit. "You know," he said, "I'm not sure landing on your feet is the best way to land. That can hurt you, you know."

"?" The Lapisblood made a small sound of confusion and blinked.

"I know you understand me, cut the crap, you."

The Lapisblood shut up.

"Why are you following me?" SMG3 asked. "Are you trying to kill me? If you are, you're slow as hell," SMG3 said, staring SMG4 dead in the eyes.

It shook its head. "No. Observing."


That was a new one for Three.

"What do you mean, observing?" he asked. SMG3 wasn't sure if he believed them yet. But then again... they did have plenty of times they could have ambushed him, and they hadn't already.

It tilted its head to the side a little bit. "Humans... are rare here. They're all gone. But they're different. Weird. Interesting."

SMG3 definitely did not trust this Lapisblood, but he decided to at least believe him.

"Alright," he said. "And... what do you hope to gain from this, exactly?"

"Fun," he said.


He was doing this for... entertainment???

"Uh... what?" SMG3 asked.

"Humans are interesting," he said. "And you're not afraid of me."

"Don't you have other people you can bother? Any friends?"

The Lapisblood shook his head. Well, fuck. 

Honestly, SMG3 wasn't sure what to do here. Of course, the Lapisblood was dangerous. And this was probably all just a trick to eventually kill him... But it was hard not to trust them, for some reason. Those blue eyes. They were almost hypnotizing. And familiar.

And SMG3 couldn't not trust them.

"Okay," SMG3 said. "Uh... what's your name, then?"

The blue Lapisblood took a second to respond, seemingly lost in thought. He had strange cross-eyes for a second.

"I dunno."


This thing couldn't be serious...

SMG3 tried to think of something. "Well, if you don't have a name, what if I give you one?" he asked.

"Like what?"

This was a terrible thing to do, SMG3 knew. But he couldn't resist suggesting "SMG4, or Four for short, maybe?"

It smiled. "I like that! :D"


The rest of SMG3's day was spent trying to understand the Lapisblood better. Why it was doing this, whether it was lying or not, its true intentions, its full abilities, how it worked exactly- not that SMG3 was interested in the subject! He just wanted to figure out any potential weaknesses that could be exploited, and there weren't many.

SMG4 seemed to be mostly made of different reptilian parts, with some bird as well mixed into the human. Three knew this was not the best use of his time, but he was interested in maybe being able to figure out Lapisbloods.

Why did they look so mangled all the time?

Why do the Lapisbloods who were originally humans get other random animals fused with them instead of becoming complete nightmares?

And why did this Lapisblood, specifically this one... why was he able to act so human?

Even though human-Lapisbloods were... well, humans, before they transformed, they usually did not keep most of their sanity. SMG4 must have been very, very lucky.

Sure, he was a little dull and forgetful, but he was stripped of his memories and forced to live in the wilderness...

"Four?" SMG3 said.

SMG4's ears perked up as he looked down at SMG3 from the tree he was sitting in. "Huh?"

"Do you remember," SMG3 asked, "anything from when you were, you know...?"


"...human?" Three sighed.

SMG4 kind of spaced out for a moment and went cross-eyed. Then he, shook his head. "Not really."

"Nothing? Nothing at all? SMG3 asked.

"No. Why?"

SMG3 was a little bit disappointed. He didn't have any way of telling if this was the original SMG4, or just some monster who happened to look a little bit like Four. This was probably just another Recolor.

Three didn't know why he got his hopes up...

"Nothing," he told SMG4. "Never mind."

Now, SMG3 decided to play along with the Lapisblood. If they wanted to observe him, he would observe them.

And he did make quite a few interesting observations...

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