Coexistence [Well]

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UNIVERSE: Well AU (Three is the human, Four is the monster)


SMG3 had noticed a multitude of odd behaviors from Four ever since the two of them began seeing more of each other.

The way he tripped over his words occasionally, like he had forgotten them and was trying to remember.
The way he would stare off into the distance, lost in thought like he was reminiscing about something.

Everything odd the Lapisblood did would secretly fascinate SMG3, and he asked SMG4 many times what they were doing or thinking about. It never seemed to give him a clear answer.

"Nothing much."


"Seeing the pictures in my mind."

Did it mean to say 'daydreaming?' Did it...forget what that was?

Oddly enough, Eggdog had taken a liking to SMG4. Sometimes they looked like they were even communicating... but Four said he was just speaking Lapisblood, and the dog couldn't understand. SMG3 was strangely fascinated with everything this Lapisblood did. He was fascinated with the Lapisblood.

He wasn't entirely sure why, but there was something. Something about it...

This was so damn frustrating. It was almost like he knew why it reminded him of SMG4 so strongly, despite it acting like a beast. 

Maybe he just didn't want to think about SMG4 in this situation.

Maybe it was SMG4 after all...


Four wasn't quite sure what to expect after growing closer to the human, but they knew one thing: This was a fascinating human!

He acted silly at times, especially when with his 'son' Eggdog, but he tried to hide it, for whatever reason. What a strange man. But he was cute.

Oh yeah. Ever since Four started to interact with SMG3 more, he realized that humans were cute. SMG3 tried his hardest to look rough and capable, but SMG4 saw his red eyes and his small fangs and his wild, fluffy hair... and wanted to tackle him to the ground and bite him. Well, not murderously of course-

...Being a Lapisblood was... exhausting sometimes...

SMG4 couldn't remember a time before he was like this, but it didn't feel right. Somewhere he knew that biting people wasn't very nice, even though most Lapisbloods did worse. Somewhere, somewhere he knew that he used to be a human, even though in his current state he could barely picture something like that.

"SMG3," Four said, getting the other's attention. "What do you think I'd look like as a human?"

Three thought for a moment, as he walked over to Four and started to speak. "Well, first of all, you wouldn't have blue scales. Or any color of scales at all. Your skin would replace that,"

SMG4 tilted his head. "Boring."

"I suppose. You'd also lose your horns, wings, and tail..."


"Well, humans are boring compared to you," SMG3 chuckled. "If there weren't so many problems with being a Lapisblood, I might've let myself become one, too."

"How?" Four asked.

"Good point..."

There were theories about how one could transform, but after all, it was too difficult to research anything or come to any conclusions. The leading theory was that they came from another dimension, but that was probably bullshit. Some people even thought they were from hell, but there was zero evidence of that anyway.

SMG3 thought it was all stupid. They were cool creatures that killed people, end of story!

...Though he did find himself occasionally wondering about Lapisblood origins as well. Especially whenever SMG4 couldn't remember something about his past, thanks to the transformation.

"SMG4?" SMG3 called, as the other had begun to walk away. "Could I ask you something a bit... personal?"

"I guess?" Four said, a bit unsure.

Three didn't have the highest hopes, but he still asked, "Do you remember what your transformation was like?"


It was cold. A cold, cold night- no snow, but the wind was harsh for SMG4 and his group of... he didn't remember. But he was calling out someone's name as he ran for his life, away from something else. He had to find him. He had to find him. He had to find-

Time seemed to slow down as he felt the monster's sharp bite. 'This is the end,' he thought to himself, as he prepared to be killed, dismembered, anything- he just hoped it was over fast. But it never came. It hurt like hell, but he wasn't dead. 

After a few seconds of agony, he stopped screaming, which he hadn't even realized he'd been doing in the first place. The wound felt numb now for whatever reason, as the Grand Lapisblood let go of his arm. He slumped to the ground, feeling too weak to move.

People were screaming, people he knew and loved were screaming, but they kept running. He wished he could call out to them. He wished he could stand up and keep up with their fast pace. But they kept going, and going, and going until he couldn't see them anymore. He knew they were safe.

They... were safe...

His eyes felt heavy now. Who was he looking for? Who was he running from? Why couldn't he just get up...

He couldn't remember... it would probably come back to him... when he woke up the next day. He closed his eyes and very quickly fell asleep.


"It hurt," Four quietly told SMG3.  "It hurt a lot."

SMG3 seemed interested, though. "Do you remember how it happened?" he asked. 

Four shuddered at the memory. "Grand Lapisblood," he said. There was a silence now, as the hazy memories flashed through SMG4's mind. He didn't even remember what the Grand Lapisblood looked like, but the scar on his left arm was always a reminder of that day.

Grand Lapisblood? SMG3 hadn't heard about those in a long time. Weren't those just myths from the early days of the apocalypse?

Grand Lapisbloods... the ones that supposedly bite creatures to turn them into Lapisbloods?


Then again, he was talking to a Lapisblood right now. 

SMG4 probably knew things SMG3 didn't about Lapisbloods.

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