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High on life.

    I fucking wish.


    "Well, how do you feel?"



     "You've come a long way, Novella."

    "It feels like I'm going backwards," Nova grumbled, she sat in a chair, and a person who looked like a doctor sat before her. Nova was dressed in an all-white gown, her hair was down and it rolled over her shoulder. One side was much shorter than the other. At one point, the side was buzzed down. But you can't style your hair in this place.

     "It's hard to get used to this, most of your life depended on feeling nothing at all." Nova clenched her fists at his words, "But we're here to help you. You're going to get through this."

     Nova groaned and leaned into her hands, she wanted to get better. If she didn't, she'd end up killing herself. She's escaped death one too many times with this, it was getting to the point where she couldn't do that anymore.

    I'm doing this for them, for her.

    "How am I ever going to go back into the real world?"


     "I hate this place," Nova muttered, the girl she shared a room with snorted.

     "You just got here."

     "Just? I've been here for 6 months!" Nova exclaimed, she fell back into her, "Calm down." the latter laughed.

     "They might come back in here."

    "Good, I don't have to feel like this if I'm unconscious." She sighed, turning over in her bed. She pulled at her covers and got underneath them.

      "Don't let them hear that. They'll start restricting your sleep."

    "Seriously?" Nova raised, and the other nodded. "Damn, we already barely sleep."

      "Have fun with never sleeping again."


     Never sleep again.

     Been there, done that.

      "I have a whole world I left behind." A girl muttered on the stand, Nova hated this part. "But I would have destroyed myself if I stayed."

      I hear you.

     I already have destroyed myself.


    Two years prior, Nova had run away from home to escape this very place. Her mother wanted her to go to rehab, "you're killing yourself. I can't lose the only daughter I have left."

     That woman never treated Nova like her daughter, Nova remembered what she told the woman.

    "I wish you were my biological mom, then you would have died and I would never have met you."

    Nova knew it hurt her, Nova would feel bad if the woman didn't say the same things to her.

    Half a year later, Nova met these three people. Madeline, Jaleigha, and Azul. Madeline and Jaleigha were songwriters and played Instruments. It felt like a dream. Nova could play guitar, Madeline did too, and Jaleigha was a beast at the drums.

     The three made a band, they named it "Ed3n", For Nova and her sister since Nova was the lead singer. They created two singles and an album named "Bittersweet". Nova had gotten close to Azul, confirming him as her boyfriend. Her first boyfriend.

    Despite Azul's begging, Nova left. She turned herself in, she didn't just run away from rehab, she ran away from assault charges after she beat the shit out of Lana. Lana had disappeared after that day. They thought Nova killed her. She didn't, they figured that out.

    So here Nova was, finally leaving the hellhole she spent her entire year of being 17 at. Her birthday was in two days, so she was almost 18.

    Maybe I can actually tour now.

    Nova watched a car pull up, the car of which was picking her up. Nova's eyes widened when the window rolled down, the girl in the front seat was none other than Lana.

     "Elana fucking Baker," Nova said, breathlessly.

    "What're you doing just standing there? Get in the damn car!" Lana yelled, a smile plastered on her face.

     "You might be the last face I need to see," Nova grumbled as she climbed into Lana's car.

     "I'm not a dealer anymore, chill."




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