37- (S) Always the Beggar

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Warning: Violence, Sexual Assault and Death

Lana. She sat on the kitchen counter, facing the door. Her knees were up to her head and she leaned her head against her crossed arms and laid on her knees. Nova had been gone for days, and Lana had no idea where she was. She called and texted Jahleigha but she got no answers to the questions she desperately needed.

      She felt like she was going insane. She didn't leave me, she'd never leave me. Lana passed out last night drinking with the same thoughts in her head, she's called Nova but got no response. She was worried out of her mind. Lana's hand lifted her nail between her teeth. Something happened, it had to.

      Her nail broke and she picked it off, she slid her hands through her hair and bit her lip, chewing at the skin. What if Azul... Stella? Jet? 

       Lana felt crazy, Nova would never just leave. Would she? Lana pulled herself off the counter and started pacing through the kitchen, she tried humming songs to herself in an attempt to keep herself calm but it was failing.

      She felt as if her mind was going to explore, all the worst-case scenarios filling her mind. She kept chewing skin off her lips and nails off her fingers. I'm losing my mind.

      Lana's breath hitched when she heard the door click. She paused and turned to the door as it opened slowly. It was Nova, Lana immediately ran up to her, she tried to pull Nova into a hug but the girl stopped her. "Nova? Where have you been?"

      Nova met her eyes for a moment before looking away, she tried to move around Lana but the girl stopped her and pulled her back in front of her. "Nova?"

      The girl now wouldn't look at her, there was guilt in her eyes. "Nova? Did... Did I do something?" She asked, her voice shaky. "Please tell me I did something... I'll do anything to change it!"

      "Lana, please." Nova sighed and pushed the girl back, she just wanted her stuff.

      "Nova? Did... Where were you?" Lana felt tears in her eyes, she sniffed and tried to hold them back. "Do you not love me?" She asked, holding her wrist. 

      Nova paused her walk and turned to Lana. "I- Lana, I made a mistake being with you." Lana's eyes widened in terror.

      "What." There was disbelief in her voice, "Is... This a joke?" Lana laughed, "It's not very funny..."

      "No, Lana. I-" Nova put hands to her head and grunted, "Angelica." The word fell from her mouth. Lana's eyes looked crazed, she felt dazed like she was going to pass out. "I slept with her."

      Lana stumbled back, words they shared fled through her mind, the moments they shared. "You're... You're lying." Lana scoffed, shaking her head. "You- you want an excuse to leave... What did I do? Nova, what did I do!?" She yelled as tears fell down her eyes.

     "You didn't do anything, Lana." Nova backed up when Lana came towards them.

      "What can I do?" Lana grabbed Nova by her shirt, she was crying. "What do I have to do? I'll- you can see her! Every day, anytime..." Lana's knees felt weak and she fell to them in front of Nova. "Just please don't leave me."

     "I can't do that to you. I've done enough." Nova pulled away from the girl, "You don't deserve this."

     "Nova, if I'm not someone to you... I'm someone to no one." Lana felt broken, she felt empty. "Please, Nova. Don't do this to me."

     Nova crouched down, "I'm getting my stuff and I'm leaving your life. Find someone better." She then got back up and left the room, when she came back, Lana was still on her knees on the ground.

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