4- Rubryah

13 2 39

Warning: Two characters here speak Russian sometimes, I used google translate and some woman off YouTube to find the words they say so it may not be correct!

     School. Such a great thing, but done so wrong. You can teach students important information, and not make it miserable. You can make them go but you can't make them happy about it, you can't make them be happy about going to a place that's so wrong. Maybe if the system wasn't so fucked, kids would be happy to go. Would be happy to learn.

Stella hated school, she was one of many who did. Not because she didn't want to learn, or didn't understand what she was being taught, not because she had a problem with the way her teachers taught lessons. She had a problem with how the school deals with their problems. Like their bullying problems, they are way too busy focusing on what makes them more money than what their kids are going through. They always end up never doing anything about the problems going on behind the doors of the school. So many things go untouched, unresolved. Not to mention, there aren't a lot of violence laws in Indigopia like there are in most other countries, not much was stopping the harsh bullying.

Stella has been bullied her entire life, not ever catching a break. She's spoken to the principal, her mom has too, not a single thing has been done to stop it from happening. Plus, Nova used to be a bully, Nova told her about it. She stopped halfway through her freshmen year, she stopped mostly because Stella began to be bullied and some part because she began to feel guilty. Stella knew the bullying problem was bad, from her own perspective and Nova's, but today only confirmed it.


Stella sat at a small dining room table, she had a fork in her hand, she bent the teeth of the fork back and forth. Giggling at how it looked when they were all splayed out in weird ways. Nova sat across from her, her eye developed a very light bruise overnight. It added to how drained Nova looked. The only thing that took away from that was the small smile Nova held on her face as she watched her younger sister.

"I can't believe they let those... Freaks into this country." Stella glanced over at her mother, then she looked at Nova for answers.

"A family from Russia moved just down the street, she doesn't like it at all." Nova explained, she scoffed a laugh, "She's acting like it's the end of the world, it's not like the two kids are gonna shank us in our sleep or throw a bomb through the window."

"You think they're going to be at our school?" Stella asked, bending the teeth on the fork back to normal. Her mother yelled at her last time she left a fork bent in the sink.

"Probably, they live closer to the school than us." Stella hummed in response, now she was quite excited. Stella loved new kids, mostly because they're new and don't fit in just yet, She also hated it at the same time because she knew nothing about those kids. But still, part of it means there is a chance they won't fit into the crowds and fit into Stella's much smaller group. Group as in her and Cherri, which was weird because Cherri had other friends but Cherri chose to be around Stella instead. "Can we stop by their house when we walk to school?"

"I don't see why not." At least one good thing came of walking to school, Angelica had started taking them to school because their mother had work earlier now and couldn't, but now that Angelica and Nova aren't talking, they have to walk. "Are you excited to meet them?"

"Yes! Are the kids girls or boys? One of each?"

"I think there is a little boy I think who's about your age and a girl who's a bit younger than me. I don't know exactly, I've only heard a bit about them." Nova pushed away from the table, picking up the plate in front of her, she ate only half of what she got while Stella ate it all. Nova took Stella's empty plate and snatched the fork from her fingers.

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