43- Run

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Warning: Violence

"Please, why are you doing this!?" It was Angel who yelled this, the gun went from pointing at Stella to Angel. "You-"

"Shut up!" Myth yelled, "Just make up your mind!" Stella blinked, Stella stared a little in shock at Myth, the clouds couldn't go unnoticed, both Angel and Nova saw it. Stella only assumed that Myth wanted to gain power but the amount she was gaining was too much even for her. Her sudden shouting did make Angel stop pleading with her.

Myth shook her head, every time Myth turned to face her, Stella felt a different unnerving feeling. Myth moved closer to Stella and tried to talk to her. "Don't. Don't even talk to me." Stella kept her eyes off Myth. "Hey." Myth grabbed Stella's chin and forced her to look into her eyes. "You can hate me all you want because I was the one who lit the match but you were the one who left her. She's dead because of you."

Stella stared up at her with wide eyes, her voice was shaky. Those words alone were enough to piss her off, her veins started to glow and she ripped through the ropes, her hand instantly grabbed Myth's wrist and pushed the gun away before it fired. Stella had brought the girl to the ground in front of Angel and Nova. The girl's eyes were more insane looking than they ever had been. Stella punched the girl and grabbed her wrist, she grabbed Myth by her hair and slammed her head into the ground before grabbing the other. Myth stared with wide eyes up at Stella, Myth wasn't fighting back anymore, just laid underneath her.

Stella's breath felt heavy, she exhaled a long breath after she got the message Myth wasn't going to try something. Stella let go of the girl's wrists grabbed her by the horn and pulled her onto her feet. She had picked Myth's gun up on the way and smacked it against Myth's head, dropping her to the floor.

Stella was surprised at how easy it was, she was somehow powered up despite the... Oh, shit. Ha, never mind. The bracelet was broken off, she didn't know when that happened. She gave her arms a shake before running to Angel and quickly began to untie her. "Hey, hey!" Nova yelled, she nodded her head, and Stella turned to look back at Myth who got back onto her feet.

Stella pulled off the ropes around Angel before quickly moving out of the way when Myth came forward with a knife, Angel managed to get up and away before Myth got there. The knife sank into the wood of the chair, Angel grabbed Nova's chair and pulled her away from Myth.

Stella pointed the gun at Myth who only scoffed and snapped her fingers, the gun disappeared. "Moron," Myth spat, she laughed softly. "You think you can leave?" She asked, Stella's brows furrowed, she wasn't scared of her but it didn't seem like it mattered if she was or not. Myth ran forward but Stella's carbon copy of Myth's power but yellow shot out at her, slamming Myth to the wall.

"Angel, Nova, get everyone free. I got this." Stella ordered, Angel was already untying Toxin. Stella turned back to Myth who fell from the crumbling wall. Do I got this?

Stella started walking towards her, jumping out of the way when the girl shot out of the wall with a long purple sword in her hand. It looked a lot like a Katana. Stella's hands went up and created a yellow wall between her and Myth when the girl swung at her, the sword smashed through it as Stella backed up.

Stella jumped back again to avoid another swing, Stella blocked another with a wall, she leaned down and avoided one again before she jumped onto Myth and brought her back down. Stella was kicked in the gut but she fought to stay over Myth, Stella hit the girl's wrist making her grip slip. Stella punched the girl in the face, slamming her back into the ground when she lifted up. Stella grabbed the sword and held it over Myth, the girl's hands on the handle and the blade, it held Myth down. "Remember when you said you were stronger than me?"

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