Chapter 3

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Kai sat legs crossed in the med room, he took Cole inside after he passed out and laid him on the bed saved specifically for emergencies, next, he fetched the first aid kit before forcing some painkillers down the raven's throat granted he was no ninjroid but when it came to the protection of his family he could've done brain surgery on them.

Probably not very well but that's besides the point.

That was 2 and a half hours ago and yet Cole showed no signs of waking anytime soon. Kai played with his fingers 'did I do this?' He thought, 'did I knock him out?' The fire master mentally slapped himself 'no Kai! Don't think like that. Cole's probably just tired, he did say that right?' 'Even so I thought something was wrong, I shouldn't have let him train!' A brief look at his brother confirmed he was still sleeping. Kai growled in frustration! "Oh you idiot!" He knew Cole couldn't hear him but he needed to get his anger out somehow. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick? You know you shouldn't have done that! You're such a dummy!"

Cole snored in response

Kai sighed

"Why Cole? Why don't you ever think about yourself?" Kai sank back into his chair. The floor looked particularly interesting right now. If there was one thing everyone knew about Kai is that he hates seeing his family hurt. It's why he took on the responsibility of raising Nya. He's the big brother of the team, (apart from Zane, but he's a ninjroid so it doesn't count.) (at least that's what Kai thought) and he has brought it upon himself yet again to ensure his loved ones are safe. Needless to say he felt completely useless.

'Maybe I should make Cole some soup.' The redhead stood up and made his way to the kitchen. Kai had to admit, it wasn't in best shape. Flour covered the walls and ground, splattered egg painted the counters and the sugar was pouring out of the bag. Kai made a mental note to clean this up before the others got home. If Jay saw it then they would be in for at least 3 weeks of teasing,

Kai skillfully avoided the mess as best as he could. It wasn't long before he reached the fridge. Upon spotting the soup he quickly snatched it, he best down to open the lower cabinet and chose the biggest dinner bowl there. Wadding over to the microwave he shoved the food into it. He then proceeded to set the timer for 3 minutes and 24.9875322 seconds. (He was never really so fond of whole numbers) Time flew and the soup was ready. Kai held the scorching hot bowl and began the journey back. He saw a teaspoon on the counter, he took it. By the time he got to med room, the raven had sat up looking very confused.

"Kai? What happened? Where am I? Is that soup?" Cole stared at the bowl. Kai chuckled at his question."You passed out in training, you're in the med room and no this is an elephant." He held up the bowl to his face. Cole raised his eyebrow. "Yeah right, only one of us can carry an elephant and it's sure as heck not you!" Kai walked over to the bed Cole was resting on. And proudly presented the soup to him. Cole being Cole took it swiftly, he'd it up to his lips and drank one big gulp. "Hey, I brought a spoon for a reason." The earth elemental took one good look at the spoon. "It still has oil on it Kai! You just got it off the *cough *cough *cough" Kai's smile dropped. He patted Cole's back as he continued coughing. "Buddy? You ok?" Kai said "Yeah, sorry." Cole shamefully looked down. "Hey it's ok, how about you drink your soup slowly this time. I'll get you a new spoon." "Alright, thanks Kai." Kai rushed back to the kitchen not even bothering to dodge the flour on the floor. He quickly grabbed a spoon. (A clean one) And dashed back.

Despite only being gone for a few minutes Cole wasn't anywhere to be seen. The room was completely empty. Kai began to panic. He searched everywhere for him. The rooms, the gym, the kitchen again. The only place left was the bathroom. Opening the door he found Cole crouching over the toilet, vomiting. Kai ran to him and grabbed his hair holding it back.'There goes the soup.' Tears were piling out of Cole's eyes as he threw up another set of chunks. Kai felt like he was going to cry too. 'Poor Cole' he thought. About 5 minutes later Cole stopped. He grabbed some toilet paper to wipe the remaining vomit off his mouth before tossing it down the toilet and flushing it. The redhead rubbed soothing circles on his brother's back. "I'm sorry Cole." Kai said. "It's ok Kai. Sorry the soup didn't stay down." "Don't worry about it. Come on, let's get you in bed." Kai helped Cole stand up, they slowly started walking back, but every few seconds Cole would drop, which then resulted in Kai just carrying him there. Had it been any other time the raven would've refused or at least be a little embarrassed. Instead, Kai watched as he simply closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. When they got to the med room. Kai gently placed his sleeping brother on the bed. Getting up to leave he took one last glance at his sick teammate. "Goodnight Cole, get better soon." And with that he switched off the light and went to clean the kitchen.

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now