Chapter 8

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A/n sorry this took longer than expected, studies have been hectic lately, my roommate finally allowed pets! so my little puppy, Lexi is keeping my them entertained. Anyway, have a seat grab some cake and good luck because there is a lot of traumas in this chapter.

Warning may include panic attacks, and bad humour. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, enjoy


"And we just jump up kick back whip around and spin and then we jump back do it again-" Jay groaned as his phone continued to sing, a couple weeks ago the blue bird thought it would be a good idea to make his ringtone their theme song, whilst it was funny and super creative it might not be ideal when your sharing a room with 4 other boys. Letting out an over exaggerated sigh, he (un)willingly got out of bed, just as he was climbing down the ladder he got hit by a flying pillow. Of course it wasn't actually a flying pillow, (you only get those in Africa) but rather a very angry looking Kai, Jay couldn't help but laugh, he now understood why the burnett was usually awake before the rest, his hair was a mess. It was puffy and curling around and around Kai's head, with bits sticking out in all different directions, Jay hadn't really noticed how long his friend's hair actually was, probably longer than Nya's even. The bluebird had to put a hand over his mouth to cover his laughs, or he could risk waking Cole, the last thing he wanted was 2 grumpy hotheads, one with the ability to set his butt of fire and the other who could no doubt crush him with a boulder. Now he knew his friends wouldn't actually do that (well except maybe for Kai) but he didn't want to find out. Kai gave a frustrated pout before allowing his head to drop to his pillow. Still chuckling, Jay snatched his phone off the desk.


The redhead tilted his head in curiosity, why was Zane calling him at 6am? But nevertheless he answered the call.

"Greetings Jay." Zane's voice was quite loud so Jay took a quick visit to the deck. "Hey Zane! What's up?" "I have unfortunate news, you see we were getting ready to come home, when Lloyd suggested we take the land bounty because it could drive on difficult terrain so we could get to your location faster, however it seems the last person to use it forgot to fill up the gas tank." Jay cringed, the day before the wedding he went for a quick joyride, not once did it come to mind that he should refuel it. 'Oh well what he doesnt know won't hurt him' he thought. Zane continued to talk, so Jay turned his attention back to the call, but a butterfly flew past and performed a dance that distracted the poor redhead. 'Darn ADHD' "Sorry Zane, can you repeat that please." The silence was deafening, when finally the ninjroid spoke "Certainly, I was just saying that we are stuck on Mount Terror, with minimal supplies, hardly any food and only enough water to last another week. We required assistance immediately." Jay began to panic. "Oh gosh ok hang tight buddy we're on our way."

Hastily, he ended the call before running back inside the sleeping quarters. "Kai, Kai, Kai!!" The bluebird yelled, shaking the poor burnett. In return for so kindly waking him up, Kai whacked his brother with his pillow for the second time that day. "What Jay! I'm trying to sleep!" Jay rubbed his cheek where the pillow had hit. "Ow ok why so grumpy? WAIT don't answer that, look i just got a call from Zane, and the team needs our help! They're stuck on Mount Terror! And could run out of supplies at any moment! Plus all the deadly wolves and snakes and monsters up there that could kill them and don't forget-" "Jay!" Jay looked up at his brother who during the bluebirds ramble had thrown himself across the room and was already doing his hair. "Would you calm down? We're gonna save them ok, we just have to go get them. How hard can it be?" "No, don't say that!" Jay said, "Everytime someone says," How hard can this be?" it always gets harder!" Kai put a finger to his lips, and using his other hand to point at Cole "Not so loud, you'll wake him, and stop complaining all we gotta do is fly over there pick them up and save Cole, everything is gonna work out, ok?" Jay didn't even realize he started hyperventilating, until Kai led him to a nice peaceful spot on the floor.

"The earth is sick and so are you!" (Ninjago angst) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now